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01-13-2025, 02:47 PM
GreekChat Member
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Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek
Trump shouldn’t have even been invited....
When (he) dies, is it mandatory there be a huge national funeral? I suppose it would start a second Civil War if there were not.
Or, someone might be able to convince (him) big national funerals for any dignitaries are wasteful excesses of time & money.
Nah, (he'll) insist (his) outgoing national event be held exclusively for Republicans, and those who can prove they voted for (him), within Mar-a--Lago. (He's) even having (his) lengthy farewell speech written and recorded in early preparation. Only Fox will be allowed to broadcast the events.
And should any other former US president die during the next four years, (he) reserves the right to not attend PLUS cancel any national service and official mourning period should the decedent be a democrat.
(rant/distraction over; back to the cold weather BRRRR)
I'm the only man with a Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl ring that doesn't wear it. I'm a Green Bay Packer.
Herb Adderley, co-founder, Sigma Chapter of Omega Psi Phi @ Michigan State University
It's only words, and words are all I have to take your heart away.

01-13-2025, 05:29 PM
GreekChat Member
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Originally Posted by XAntoftheSkyX
Yeah, there are models of aircraft available, and you can proxy other models for them, but honestly aircraft are usually in a very weird spot. Either their rules have them as hilariously unfair, or completely pointless, and no in-between.
When a model is destroyed, it is removed from the table. The attrition of forces is a cornerstone of tactics, especially for the Guard as they try to be as efficient in removing as many models as possible while losing as few as possible.
To help judge an event, at the very least a solid base understanding of the rules and game mechanics will take you a long way. A lot of the calls judges get are IT help desk level of issues. Instead of "Is it turned on and plugged in?" it's "Read me your rule out loud" which usually solves a rules question.
There's no time like the present to start with 40K though! Even if you only build and paint the models, it's a wonderfully theraputic time.
If you are interested in gameplay with the Guard, I would recommend the 40k in 40 Minutes videos from Play on Tabletop. Very high production values and much more of a bite-sized look at the game. Most games at a tournament can take up to 2:30 hours, and casual games can take much longer assuming you're chatting a lot, having a beer and not worrying about the time.
Yeah, you’ve got a cool hobby, Xant. I just enjoy learning about other folks hobbies and talking about them, especially if it’s one I’m somewhat familiar with. Between my real cars and model cars, if I take on one more hobby, my wife’s going to demand a spousal approval form and probably evict me to the garage. But keep collecting those, man. Sounds really interesting and a lot of fun.
Originally Posted by AGDee
I'm taking TKEGuy to the North American International Auto Show today when he gets here in about 40 minutes. He's a total car geek (could talk with PB for hours, I'm sure). I asked if he used to go when he lived in the Detroit area and he said only once or twice because his family wasn't interested so he never went.
TKEGuy — my man! I always knew you had great taste in men. 
Has he mentioned what kind of cars he’s into?
The world system is in direct opposition to God and His Word — PrettyBoy Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be

01-13-2025, 07:00 PM
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Jun 2023
Location: Houston
Posts: 365
Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands
LOL! Zach isn’t even dating no more. Wow. Damn, dude. I hear you, but you don’t even want companionship?
No. At the end of the day, when I get off work, I look forward to a beer and peace at home. Most chicks like chaos, which doesn’t mix with my lifestyle.

01-13-2025, 10:13 PM
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Michigan
Posts: 15,736
Originally Posted by Cheerio
When (he) dies, is it mandatory there be a huge national funeral? I suppose it would start a second Civil War if there were not.
Or, someone might be able to convince (him) big national funerals for any dignitaries are wasteful excesses of time & money.
Nah, (he'll) insist (his) outgoing national event be held exclusively for Republicans, and those who can prove they voted for (him), within Mar-a--Lago. (He's) even having (his) lengthy farewell speech written and recorded in early preparation. Only Fox will be allowed to broadcast the events.
And should any other former US president die during the next four years, (he) reserves the right to not attend PLUS cancel any national service and official mourning period should the decedent be a democrat.
(rant/distraction over; back to the cold weather BRRRR)
For some, it will be the biggest party ever!
Originally Posted by PrettyBoy
TKEGuy — my man! I always knew you had great taste in men. 
Has he mentioned what kind of cars he’s into?
He loves the older cars from the early 50s through the mid 60s the most. He likes the early Vettes and Camaros but they had a '63 or '64 Shelby he was drooling over too. He can look at any of them and tell you which year they are based on the lights or the fins or the wheel hubs or whatever.
We picked our "if we won the lottery" cars out. He was leaning toward the Aston Martin but I fell in love with a cute little blue McLaren. It had the best face. I judge cars by their faces...lol. I also love an Alfa Romeo because I'm Siciian. The Ferraris were pretty nice too.
I don't think your company was even there this year. Makes me sad. I think, now that I don't work for GM anymore and think, as a company, they've lost all sense of morality or decency, I want an SUV from your company for my next vehicle.

01-13-2025, 11:13 PM
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 15,854
Originally Posted by AGDee
I understand what you're saying about Trump but our very sad reality is that he's a former President and our President-elect so he's going to be at these things. I'm surprised he showed up.
Trump is not my president, and he’s certainly not my president-elect. I don’t know why you guys keep saying “our”. I mean, his actions while in office, including violating the Constitution and betraying his oath of office, are exactly why I believe he shouldn’t have been invited to such a solemn and dignified event like that funeral. Inviting him not only overlooks his blatant disregard for democratic norms, but it also risks normalizing behavior that threatens the very foundation of our democracy. That’s when “our” should be used. And honestly, calling him a president is exactly the same as calling a deadbeat sperm donor a father. It might be technically correct, but it doesn’t mean he upheld the responsibilities or the honor the title deserves. He’s not my president or president-elect.
Originally Posted by AGDee
TKEGuy and I have had a lot of talks about why past relationships didn't work out and where things went wrong. He's very introspective about these things. We also talk a lot about where we think we will have challenges and how we'll try to overcome them. It's very refreshing to be with someone who is so in touch with his feelings and thoughts.
I'm a person who has gone on vacations myself, gone to the movies by myself and gone to concerts, sports events and theater events by myself. I have no qualms about just going and doing what I want when I want. I know not everybody is comfortable doing that. I think TKEGuy has only done things when he has someone to do them with. We're a little different that way.
There’s always going to be differences but I think the two of you will grow together.
Originally Posted by Cheerio
When (he) dies, .
When? That can’t come soon enough for me.
Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor Society “Daisies that bring you joy are better than roses that bring you sorrow. If I had my life to live over, I'd pick more Daisies!”

01-14-2025, 01:39 AM
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Michigan
Posts: 15,736
Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek
Trump is not my president, and he’s certainly not my president-elect. I don’t know why you guys keep saying “our”. I mean, his actions while in office, including violating the Constitution and betraying his oath of office, are exactly why I believe he shouldn’t have been invited to such a solemn and dignified event like that funeral. Inviting him not only overlooks his blatant disregard for democratic norms, but it also risks normalizing behavior that threatens the very foundation of our democracy. That’s when “our” should be used. And honestly, calling him a president is exactly the same as calling a deadbeat sperm donor a father. It might be technically correct, but it doesn’t mean he upheld the responsibilities or the honor the title deserves. He’s not my president or president-elect.
When? That can’t come soon enough for me.

01-14-2025, 01:58 PM
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Twin Cities
Posts: 6,653
Originally Posted by AGDee
He loves the older cars from the early 50s through the mid 60s the most. He likes the early Vettes and Camaros but they had a '63 or '64 Shelby he was drooling over too. He can look at any of them and tell you which year they are based on the lights or the fins or the wheel hubs or whatever.
We picked our "if we won the lottery" cars out. He was leaning toward the Aston Martin but I fell in love with a cute little blue McLaren. It had the best face. I judge cars by their faces...lol. I also love an Alfa Romeo because I'm Siciian. The Ferraris were pretty nice too.
I don't think your company was even there this year. Makes me sad. I think, now that I don't work for GM anymore and think, as a company, they've lost all sense of morality or decency, I want an SUV from your company for my next vehicle.
Yeah, he and I would be talking all day. And Aston Martin is my favorite brand.
He likes two of my favorite eras. Actually, 1966 was pretty much the last year when stylists had very few to no government design regulations to follow. I’m also into the 30s, 40s, and 80s, but with the 80s, European only. The McLaren you like was probably a 570S. Cool.
If you go with our SUVs, they’ll give you great reliability.
Has TKE Guy always been a car guy when you knew him college?
The world system is in direct opposition to God and His Word — PrettyBoy Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be

01-14-2025, 05:42 PM
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 15,854
Originally Posted by AGDee
Yep. They probably were thinking that, laughing and joking about his presence, when they should have come together and seriously done something about his presence on the ballot. But what’d they all do? They normalized his behavior.
So… Michelle Obama is not going to attend Donald Trump’s “inauguration”. Good for her.
Her husband, Bush, and Clinton are all going to attend. I’m done with all three of them for contributing to a rogue “president”. It’s ridiculous.
Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor Society “Daisies that bring you joy are better than roses that bring you sorrow. If I had my life to live over, I'd pick more Daisies!”

01-14-2025, 06:40 PM
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Michigan
Posts: 15,736
Originally Posted by PrettyBoy
Yeah, he and I would be talking all day. And Aston Martin is my favorite brand.
He likes two of my favorite eras. Actually, 1966 was pretty much the last year when stylists had very few to no government design regulations to follow. I’m also into the 30s, 40s, and 80s, but with the 80s, European only. The McLaren you like was probably a 570S. Cool.
If you go with our SUVs, they’ll give you great reliability.
Has TKE Guy always been a car guy when you knew him college?
He was! Since his favorite Vette was a '53, I made him a model '53 Vette for his birthday one year. Painted candy apple red.  He does NOT still have that and I tease him (gently) about that because I still have a framed squirrel (Alpha Gam mascot) he drew that he gave me back then. It's been sitting on a shelf with my squirrel collection for 40 years!

01-14-2025, 09:26 PM
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Twin Cities
Posts: 6,653
Originally Posted by AGDee
He was! Since his favorite Vette was a '53, I made him a model '53 Vette for his birthday one year. Painted candy apple red.  He does NOT still have that and I tease him (gently) about that because I still have a framed squirrel (Alpha Gam mascot) he drew that he gave me back then. It's been sitting on a shelf with my squirrel collection for 40 years!
That’s such a great story, but 53’ Vettes only came in one color (Polo White). Tell him you even upgraded him to a 54’ after you painted it red, and he still didn’t keep it. But since he didn’t keep the model, tell him at least he held onto a second shot with you, so you’ll forgive him this time. Tell him one out of two isn’t bad. 👍🏽
The world system is in direct opposition to God and His Word — PrettyBoy Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be

01-14-2025, 11:05 PM
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 3,999
Originally Posted by PrettyBoy
That’s such a great story, but 53’ Vettes only came in one color (Polo White). Tell him you even upgraded him to a 54’ after you painted it red, and he still didn’t keep it. But since he didn’t keep the model, tell him at least he held onto a second shot with you, so you’ll forgive him this time. Tell him one out of two isn’t bad. 👍🏽
You never did respond to my post about the pink Cadillacs you wanted for Christmas. When I asked, you last responded that you got two. Somebody got you the same one, not knowing somebody else already got it for you? How many cars did you get? What kind of cars?

01-15-2025, 01:15 PM
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Twin Cities
Posts: 6,653
Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands
You never did respond to my post about the pink Cadillacs you wanted for Christmas. When I asked, you last responded that you got two. Somebody got you the same one, not knowing somebody else already got it for you? How many cars did you get? What kind of cars?
I must have missed your post. No, they’re not the same ones.
I got 12 total, if you count my birthday.
1. 1971 Boss 429 Mustang
2. 1953 Studebaker Commander Starliner
3. 1910 Cadillac Model 30
4. 1963 Checker Taxi Cab
5. 1986 Jeep Renegade
6. 1968 Plymouth Road Runner 383
7. 1969 Dodge Super Bee
8. 1924 Bugatti Type 35
9. 1929 Bugatti Type 41
10. 1959 Cadillac Series 62 (pink)
11. 1954 Pink Cadillac Fleetwood Series 60 (Elvis Presley)
12. 1955 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud (wedding car)
The world system is in direct opposition to God and His Word — PrettyBoy Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be

01-15-2025, 11:02 PM
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 3,999
Originally Posted by PrettyBoy
I must have missed your post. No, they’re not the same ones.
I got 12 total, if you count my birthday.
1. 1971 Boss 429 Mustang
2. 1953 Studebaker Commander Starliner
3. 1910 Cadillac Model 30
4. 1963 Checker Taxi Cab
5. 1986 Jeep Renegade
6. 1968 Plymouth Road Runner 383
7. 1969 Dodge Super Bee
8. 1924 Bugatti Type 35
9. 1929 Bugatti Type 41
10. 1959 Cadillac Series 62 (pink)
11. 1954 Pink Cadillac Fleetwood Series 60 (Elvis Presley)
12. 1955 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud (wedding car)
I have three “whys”. The Jeep, the wedding car, and a huge WTF for the taxi cab. Why a cab. Why? Lol

01-16-2025, 11:01 AM
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Twin Cities
Posts: 6,653
Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands
I have three “whys”. The Jeep, the wedding car, and a huge WTF for the taxi cab. Why a cab. Why? Lol
Between my wife and my sister, my sister will get me cars associated with me — meaning I’ve either mentioned it in conversation or I’ve had some kind of connection or emotional reaction to it. My wife will get me cars that I’ve either asked for or cars that are either connected to her or us as a couple. That’s how those three models got on that list. But I’ve gotten models for myself to add to my collection, from muscle cars, to classic tow trucks, to classic delivery vehicles. I’m fascinated by all of them, due to the styling from the time period. As long as they’re museum-grade models, like the Franklin Mint, Danbury Mint, Ebbro, CMC, GMP, etc. model companies like those, I’m fine with the additions.
The world system is in direct opposition to God and His Word — PrettyBoy Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be

01-16-2025, 03:38 PM
GreekChat Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 3,999
Originally Posted by PrettyBoy
Between my wife and my sister, my sister will get me cars associated with me — meaning I’ve either mentioned it in conversation or I’ve had some kind of connection or emotional reaction to it. My wife will get me cars that I’ve either asked for or cars that are either connected to her or us as a couple. That’s how those three models got on that list. But I’ve gotten models for myself to add to my collection, from muscle cars, to classic tow trucks, to classic delivery vehicles. I’m fascinated by all of them, due to the styling from the time period. As long as they’re museum-grade models, like the Franklin Mint, Danbury Mint, Ebbro, CMC, GMP, etc. model companies like those, I’m fine with the additions.
Dude, you’re all over the place with what you collect. All this time I’m thinking you just got cars. What’s the significance with those three? You used to be a cab driver? Lol
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