Hello Sisters!
I have recently re-vamped our chapters website.
http://axid.spsu.edu I added a bunch of new stuff and finally found a spam free guestbook to add back to it. Could you guys go take a look and let me know what you think? I'm still working on it, I need to re-add our scrapbook section, or at the very least, sprinkle more pictures randomly throughout the different sections. I'm also aware that some of the pages have ?s in places of apostrophes and stuff like that. I didnt catch it last night when I uploaded it to the school's server (which doesnt allow FTP, darnit!) so I need to try to correct it later today.
Nonetheless, if you could take a look around and let me know what you think. I'm concerned with the Leadership page. It doesn't feel "quite right" but I'm not sure what to do to make it better.
Also! Please sign our guestbook (on the home page) so that it isn't pitifully blank! Thank you!