A friend of mine with Cystic Fibrosis recently passed away and her parents are having a hard time paying for the funeral, after the girl was in the hospital for 7 months.
I want to set up an online donation account, but I don't have the bank info of the parents (they don't have time to get involved with emailing and verifying banks for sites such as Paypal).
Are there other sites that you have used in this kind of instance? Something with low fees, that provides a "receipt" of some sort? I would have all the money send right to the home of the parents.
Are there any local nonprofit organizations which provide burial assistance?
You might want to use "Causes" through Facebook (which also has non-facebook portals) to either set up electronic giving through that nonprofit or use an existing nonprofit. You'd have people give your friend's name in the comments/memo so the nonprofit would know to use what's raised for the friend.
I did find one - Giveforward.com. It's a great site, takes only 7% out for fees, has a great application to help you build your fundraiser, and a host of other features like the ability to thank donors personally, a personal live "fundraising coach" who is available for help for free, and regular but non-spammy updates.