Lawrence Welk
Welk, who had fraters Myron Floren and Buddy Merrill aboard,
would play the TKE sweetheart song each spring, I think either
on Valentine's or Mothers' Day.
I heard it on radio and he may have done it on TV. He looked very kindly on the Fraternity and Floren was a frequent $ contributor to Beta Sigma (S. Cal).
Ted Fio Rito, an old-old timer, did some TKE songs with his band.
Sigma Chi tops them all with recordings and a movie. Pike and Sigma Nu songs have been done and I am sure a great number
of others have been of limited distribution such as SAE's lovely
"Violets." It is said, I cannot prove, "Harbor Lights" was originally
a TKE song and we know it as "Dream Girl of TKE" Finally, Don
Cherry, The Four Freshmen and The Four Lads all sang TKE songs
but I do not think any were waxed.