. . Klan
Many of you are aware that a few weeks ago, the U.S.
Supreme Court ruled
> that the state of Missouri cannot discriminate
against the Ku Klux Klan
> when
> it comes to groups that want to participate in the
> program.
> While seeing the name of the Klan on a highway sign
is aesthetically
> disgusting, most realized that this decision was a
victory for free speech
> and equal protection under the law.
> Well, the Department of Transportation in Missouri
has gotten its legal
> revenge, and boy is it sweet. True, they can't remove
the KKK's
> adopt-a-highway sign, but no one would dispute the
state's right to name
> the
> highway itself.
> The KKK is now regularly cleaning up a stretch of the
newly christened
> "Rosa
> Parks Freeway".