Originally Posted by GammaDelt
state a special interest in our constitution, like music, or biology; however, we want to be open to any student who wants to join, so long as they are interested in service.
IMO this is the most problematic thing and I think that GammaDelt's group is probably RIGHT to stay independent of the school - nothing to do with the going dry, the advisors, etc etc etc.
They can't just be "Gamma Delta Pi, a social and service sorority helping the community and its members." They would have to be "Gamma Delta Pi, a sorority for students in the music education field" or "a sorority to promote the study and appreciation of organic chemistry" or something of the like. And from what she's said it sounds like the school would keep tabs - "you're the chemistry sorority, why do you have all these English majors in your group?"
They want to be a general social/service sorority, uniting people from ALL disciplines, and aren't allowed to be, with the dictates the school has set down.
It seems like the school is promoting Greek groups only as something for your resume - i.e. I was in the music sorority, I was in the biology sorority etc. With that mindset coming from the top down, it's no wonder people don't see the point of joining a sorority solely for friendship and service.