The same thing happened at Valparaiso University, KDs had the most with four members! (Including yours truly)!
an added question is this...does your Order of Omega really get out there an involved on campus? Ours just kind of lays low. We've discussed having a presentation to dispell a lot of the rumors of greek life on campus. I live on a very religious campus and there are a lot of negative sterotypes of greeks as far as being co-dependent and not close to God. We even had to set up our own Greek IV, because greeks did not feel welcome at IVCF.
so anyway, any suggestions about what order of omega could do on campus?
"A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone"
You're not in over your head, you're out of your comfort zone.
Articles about millennial's will always make me bang my head against the wall. The kids are alright.