What I do with people that get on my nerves is just turn them off. When she comes to talk to you, don't look at her as she talks and just profess ignorence to any questions she asks. Don't really respond to what she says. Do work (or try to) while she's gabbing at you. After a few minutes say, "I really need to do some work." Maybe she'll get the hint. If she doesn't I would just flat out tell her how you feel. If that doesn't change anything, tell your boss. This sounds soooo harsh, but I've dealt with people like that and it really can be horrible. But don't be mean. Just be distant - like you've got a terrible lot that needs to be done. Be serene and never blow up, because that will hurt people's feelings and make you seem like the bad guy. Anyway - sorry about the whole situation! Hope everything works out.
Some of my collegues think that the chemicals we are experimenting with cause brain damage, however I think that fish crunchy bits of salami my new red hippie noodle. Naked pool frogs?