At whoever asked if that 'was something the government was able to do when there was standardized medicine':
No, this is an exception. The banning was enforced via an antisocial behaviour order - a new (or rather recently modified) peice of legislation used for example in banning people from certain areas (youths from a shopping centre, for causing havoc etc or people from an area in a town). It's often used with 'families from hell' (e.g. in council housing) who make the lives of all the neighbors around them a misery, to make them re-locate. It's an extreme measure available to the courts and normally in the form of being bound over to keep to rules which if then broken have a severe penalty (like this).
It is unusual it was used in this way (it is for the first time) and has nothing to do with (/is not a part of) the Health Service.
swissmiss04, you have a white coat and gloves? A world of pervery I'll leave you alone in.