I just saw this now. Sorry for the delay!
You might still be contacted by chapters, but to be completely honest, that can take a long time. Some chapters are not open to new members for a variety of reasons. Some chapters only "rush" at certain times of year (often spring or fall). Some chapters have space restrictions. You could get lucky and here something right away! It doesn't hurt to reach out to the chapters themselves. You don't have to sit and wait.
Don't give up! The face-to-face "land chapter" experience can be a lot of fun!
In the mean time, I highly recommend exploring online chapters. I have been with Online Kappa for 17 years, and I have really enjoyed it (although I do miss having a land chapter sometimes).
There are quite a few online chapters now. Some take new pledges like yourself, while others do not. Do a little research, and see where you would like to visit. Have fun!
(Note: In Beta Sigma Phi, a "pledge" is a full member with all the rights of membership.