Originally Posted by IrishLake
Sometimes.... some chapters need that reminder though. It's better than someone standing that front of a chapter meeting and screaming at people over things. I get more than a "don't embarrass us" message from it. I get a unification message. And for chapters who have had behavior issues.... it helps. (We got very good positive feedback from utilizing this.)
Like I said, I don't think this one is as bad as, say, the video in the other thread. And I did really like the bit at the end -- "If we're doing 'sorority' right, we'll make you a better woman"/"If you're doing everything right, we'll be a better organization."
I'm afraid, though, I don't get a unification message from it at all. And when they say things like "when you finally marry that special person . . . you represent us," any credibility that might otherwise have been there is lost is in the ridiculous hyperbole.
If you've seen it help chapters, that's great. And sure, it's better than screaming at people. But personally, I just don't find it to be a positive or motivating message overall. Frankly, I think it's somewhat superficial.