I'd probably keep your questions within your own sorority. I'm not sure, but I bet the programs vary widely from sorority to sorority and thus information outside your group could really put you off course. Also, having sold and participated in more than my share of corporate travel, I'd probably turn down the enthusiasm for experiencing new cities and cultures. Just because you're there doesn't mean you get to see it. This is a HUGE bummer about business travel. You see the world from the lens of hotel windows, or possibly the guest room of a chapter house. Of course, if you get to help with a colony, then you'd spend some serious quality time in a new city. But if you're going from Champaign to Iowa City to Madison to Minneapolis to Bloomington, you're going to spend a lot of time in small airports and crappy hotels. But let me be clear, this doesn't mean AT ALL that the job wouldn't be awesome. It's just not the kind of awesome you might be expecting.
I don't know how many times I've told my corporate clients "Remember when you thought traveling for business would be really cool? You'd get to stay in hotels and eat out at restaurants, all on somebody else's dime?" What you forget with these fantasies is you're alone and somebody else gets to pick what cities and what hotels, and has probably set a dollar amount on those restaurants.
"Traveling - It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller. ~ Ibn Battuta