28 bids with an ending bid of $2800
They guy with the top bid had this to say on his "About Me" page:
Hi! Welcome to my page! I spend a lot of time getting Sigma Phi Epsilon merchandise. Usually, vintage items such as badges that I donate to my chapter. In the past year I have obtained badges for all of the elected officers. This includes a beautiful diamond and pearl badge for the Chapter president. I am the Chapter Counselor of the Arkansas Zeta Chapter. We are an outstanding chapter, with a membership in excess of 100. I have also purchased some Sig Ep items just to return them home. I had the luck of getting Arkansas Alpha Membership Records. It contained the all of the founding fathers. I also had the pleasure of obtaining an Order of the Golden Heart that once belonged to a past Grand President and returning it to his home chapter. In my collection are several copies of the Journal that were printed in 1907, 1910, 1913. I plan to store these items and one day get them back to Richmond.
Sounds like a terrific guy.