This might sound corny, but have you considered contacting some of these people by phone or e-mail? I don't mean a mass e-mail, I mean a personal one. Such as hey- I know you are an AOII and not currently involved, would youl like to be? Would you like to meet for coffee?
Maybe try and match up people of similar ages-- almost like a "big sister" type of thing.
I know alot of people (myself included) who feel uncomfortable showing up for something (even a meet and greet) when they don't know anyone. Most people like to have a "wing-man" so to speak. So if they know someone will be looking for them, or if they have had personal contact first, then it might help get more people involved.
I know this idea would take lots of time, but it could grow like a pyramid- 5 people contact 5 people to get them involved, then you have 10 people who could contact 10 more, etc.
So I enter that I may grow in knowledge, wisdom and love.
So I depart that I may now better serve my fellow man, my country & God.