I'll admit it - I liked this movie. Saw it last weekend with my best friend and her husband. Laughed my a** off.
True, it's not going to win any Oscars, but I tell you what - there is definite value to just simple entertainment. Hooray for movies that don't aim any higher than to just make you blow coke out of your nose.
I saw this movie after an incredibly insane week. Anyone who has ever been in law school or seen anyone try to survive it will know what I mean. I'm in the middle of the second semester, which is generally felt to be the absolute hardest, plus trying to interview for summer associate positions at all these law firms for next summer (hence the term "summer associate").
So last week I wrote the first draft of my appellate advocacy brief (25 pages of spine-tingling excitement about equal protection rights as applied to university admissions policies), read the usual several hundred pages, went to 3 interviews on campus, went to an all day interview in orlando for a call back interview, and had the most lovely little "discussion" with my parents about money.
Basically, a slightly stressful week.
So, hooray for Zoolander! Hooray for mindless entertainment! After spending all week trying to exhaust every little brain cell I have, the chance to laugh at this stupid little movie was just fantastic.
Give the movie some credit - there actually WAS a recognizable plot, which is more than a lot of today's movies can claim.
God Bless Ben Stiller. Here's to Zoolander II!