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Old 05-02-2024, 08:10 PM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Originally Posted by AGDee View Post
My prom date is the whole reason I went Greek. He was a year older than me and pledged TKE when I was a senior in high school. He took me to my prom and then I went to the same school. I hung out with him and his roommate (one of my best friends from college who also pledged TKE) all the time and was bummed out that I couldn't go to the greek nights at the bar or greek happy hours at the bar with them.

So second semester of my freshman year, I decided to rush so I could be part of all the fun. I had met friends of theirs from one of the sororities and I couldn't stand one of them so I didn't even go to their rush events. One sorority was pretty much non-existant- I think they had 5 members, so that one was out. That left two- AGD and another. I went to parties at both and the women at the other one never even spoke to me. Nobody picked me up at the door in rotations and I wandered around by myself the whole time. So I ended up pledging AGD.

He broke up with me the next fall and I met my first husband, a LXA, a few weeks later.

I'm facebook friends with the old prom date. He's the only ex boyfriend I've ever had who I would consider getting back together again. I still think he's really cute, 40 years later. I enjoy his sense of humor so much. He lives a couple hours away though. He was definitely my first love.
What was his reason for breaking up with you?

He’s only a couple of hours away? You should go for it, Dee! Do it! Do it! Do it! lol.
Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands View Post
Lmao, I was about to say, I know you ain’t talking about me being nosy. You are nosy as hell. I’m glad you admitted it. Speaking of nosy, did you ask him why he got divorced twice? 30 minutes is enough time to ask him that, CG Lol. Was he your high school boyfriend at the time? I’m assuming, since you were a cheerleader and he played football.
No, I didn’t ask him that. But I SO wanted to, lol.

Yep. But he was my boyfriend for like 5 days? Then, I broke up with him. 🫤
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