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Old 03-29-2010, 05:55 PM
exlurker exlurker is offline
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Alleged Significant Damage at Party -- U of Dayton Alpha Phi

Looks like another one of what I think of as those “can't-let-'em-out-in-public” reports, this time from a newspaper in Dayton OH:


Updated 4:08 PM Monday, March 29, 2010
DAYTON — Dayton police had to break up a party sponsored by the Alpha Phi sorority from the University of Dayton Saturday evening after students “significantly damaged” a rental facility at the Webster Street Market, police said Monday, March 29.

Police Lt. Larry Faulkner said students at a party at The Deli, 32 Webster St., ripped the sink off a wall, broke glasses against the wall, urinated on carpet, stole alcohol and sprayed mustard and ketchup all over the place, among other damage.

“It was quite the deal,” Faulkner said.
. . .
University of Dayton officials said at 3:45 p.m. today they’re reviewing the incident and would issue a statement later today.
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Old 03-29-2010, 05:57 PM
knight_shadow knight_shadow is offline
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Originally Posted by exlurker View Post
Looks like another one of what I think of as those “can't-let-'em-out-in-public” reports, this time from a newspaper in Dayton OH:


Updated 4:08 PM Monday, March 29, 2010
DAYTON — Dayton police had to break up a party sponsored by the Alpha Phi sorority from the University of Dayton Saturday evening after students “significantly damaged” a rental facility at the Webster Street Market, police said Monday, March 29.

Police Lt. Larry Faulkner said students at a party at The Deli, 32 Webster St., ripped the sink off a wall, broke glasses against the wall, urinated on carpet, stole alcohol and sprayed mustard and ketchup all over the place, among other damage.

“It was quite the deal,” Faulkner said.
. . .
University of Dayton officials said at 3:45 p.m. today they’re reviewing the incident and would issue a statement later today.
OK...I'm not THAT far removed from college, but I don't remember this shit being acceptable -- party or otherwise.

Who the hell rips sinks from walls? Ever?

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Old 03-29-2010, 06:00 PM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Originally Posted by knight_shadow View Post
OK...I'm not THAT far removed from college, but I don't remember this shit being acceptable -- party or otherwise.

Who the hell rips sinks from walls? Ever?

At the undegrad part of the school I attend, they flip over cars during homecoming weekend. I think pulling a sink out of a wall is pretty minor compared to flipping over cars.
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Old 03-29-2010, 06:06 PM
knight_shadow knight_shadow is offline
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Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek View Post
At the undegrad part of the school I attend, they flip over cars during homecoming weekend. I think pulling a sink out of a wall is pretty minor compared to flipping over cars.
That takes more effort than I was willing to put forth as an undergrad.

Were these random cars, or was it part of some kind of tradition?

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Old 03-29-2010, 06:06 PM
exlurker exlurker is offline
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More details, including a statement by the university, are in a report on the site:

Posted: 3:21 pm EDT March 29,2010
Updated: 5:46 pm EDT March 29,2010

DAYTON, Ohio -- A University of Dayton sorority is under investigation by police after an end-of-the-year formal got out of control.

Some of the students are accused of causing thousands of dollars in damage at the business that hosted the party.

Things were quiet at the Alpha Phi House on Brown Street Monday afternoon, but some people said a few of the sisters got very loud over the weekend.

Allysa Smith said, "They were acting like animals."

Smith was working at Alpha Phi's Top of the Market formal party on Saturday night. "They were just picking up wine glasses and just chucking them at the bartenders and just throwing everything on the top of the bar," said Smith.

There were approximately 200 people at the party and Smith said many of the girls and their dates were drunk and out of control.

Smith said, "Guys were going to the bathroom, down just in the carpet in the corner."

There were some students who used the actual bathroom but left it badly damaged. A sink was torn off the wall and a stall door was almost torn off its hinges.

Employees said the UD students stole bottles of champagne and they eventually had to call the police to get them out.

Lt. Larry Faulkner of the Dayton Police Department said, "I am rather surprised by this, and this is under investigation, . . . . They could face criminal charges."

University of Dayton officials released this statement late Monday.

"The University of Dayton offices of Community Standards and Civility and Student Development are reviewing all available information regarding this weekend's incident at the Webster Street Market involving the University of Dayton's chapter of Alpha Phi fraternity. Disciplinary action from the University is possible, pending a careful review of the results of the investigation. The University will cooperate with the city of Dayton's police investigation. Both the fraternity and any involved students will be held accountable to the University's community standards of behavior. The University of Dayton's standards of behavior and code of conduct are informed by the Catholic and Marianist philosophy of community living, the University mission statement, as well as federal, state and local laws. The University's standards of behavior are applicable to all students and student organizations regardless of the location of the violation."

Some students on campus told us they weren't surprised to hear the party got rowdy. "It does happen a lot on campus. I'm not going to lie. So I think it's unfortunate that they would do that but, it does happen," said Soleil Verse.

Those at The Market said they are sending the sorority the entire clean-up bill.

Last edited by exlurker; 03-29-2010 at 06:09 PM.
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Old 03-29-2010, 06:08 PM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Originally Posted by knight_shadow View Post
That takes more effort than I was willing to put forth as an undergrad.

Were these random cars, or was it part of some kind of tradition?

No, they're random cars and, they've set fires, too. It hasn't happened lately but, it has happened before. Usually when it's a football game played with their rival school.
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Old 03-29-2010, 06:08 PM
Alumiyum Alumiyum is offline
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Originally Posted by knight_shadow View Post
OK...I'm not THAT far removed from college, but I don't remember this shit being acceptable -- party or otherwise.

Who the hell rips sinks from walls? Ever?

It happens. But when things that ridiculous happened at my school people at least had the decency to be embarrassed that they acted like such asshats.
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Old 03-29-2010, 06:10 PM
knight_shadow knight_shadow is offline
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Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek View Post
No, they're random cars and, they've set fires, too. It hasn't happened lately but, it has happened before. Usually when it's a football game played with their rival school.
I know people get crazy during "rival" events, but that's ridiculous.

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Originally Posted by Alumiyum View Post
It happens. But when things that ridiculous happened at my school people at least had the decency to be embarrassed that they acted like such asshats.
We were too busy going to class during the week and going to bars on the weekends at my alma mater.

We missed the tear-sinks-from-the-wall memo.
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Old 03-29-2010, 06:12 PM
Preston327 Preston327 is offline
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it takes a special breed of drunken idiot to rip plumbing fixtures from walls. A very determined breed of drunken idiot, actually. I've helped remodel bathrooms in the chapter house and sinks don't like to come free too easily.
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Old 03-29-2010, 06:17 PM
Alumiyum Alumiyum is offline
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Originally Posted by knight_shadow View Post
I know people get crazy during "rival" events, but that's ridiculous.

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We were too busy going to class during the week and going to bars on the weekends at my alma mater.

We missed the tear-sinks-from-the-wall memo.
My campus was small so scandals like massive damage to property were infrequent but extremely gossiped about. One guy tore a sink off of a wall in a bar earning him a lifetime ban and a huge bill...I was glad to see no one (no one I knew anyway) thought it was funny. Occasionally there would be damage at one of the fraternity houses during particularly large parties, but as far as I remember it was always caused by their own brothers drunkenly acting a fool, so it was dealt with in house.

There are always those people you don't want anywhere near your house or car but I can't say I ever witnessed/heard of a group doing that much damage in one night. If that had happened at one of my chapter's formals I don't even want to think about the repercussions. It's hard for Greeks to get out of control when chapters are small-culprits in misdeeds are always caught.
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Old 03-29-2010, 06:17 PM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Originally Posted by knight_shadow View Post
I know people get crazy during "rival" events, but that's ridiculous.

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one of the clinics where I did one of my rotations, well, the head vet there is a Pike and he told me when he was an undergrad student, he used to pee on cars when he was drunk during homecoming. If you saw how smart he is and, how conservative he is and looks, you'd...

I laughed so hard when he told me that. Then he goes "well, I had to empty the beer somewhere"...hilarious!!! Just the mental image.
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Old 03-29-2010, 06:19 PM
knight_shadow knight_shadow is offline
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Even when I was drunk, I had enough sense to seek out a restroom or a bush.

Cars didn't do it for me.

My campus had a pretty large population, but most of the "party" news circulated fast. I have yet to hear of something this off the wall happening.
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Old 03-29-2010, 06:20 PM
Alumiyum Alumiyum is offline
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Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek View Post
one of the clinics where I did one of my rotations, well, the head vet there is a Pike and he told me when he was an undergrad student, he used to pee on cars when he was drunk during homecoming. If you saw how smart he is and, how conservative he is and looks, you'd...

I laughed so hard when he told me that. Then he goes "well, I had to empty the beer somewhere"...hilarious!!! Just the mental image.
Stupid and gross, but dogs pee on cars...but I just caught the peeing on the carpet part...


Maybe my friends are just better housebroken than these people, but I've never encountered human urine on the carpet past diapers.
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Old 03-29-2010, 06:25 PM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Originally Posted by Alumiyum View Post
Stupid and gross, but dogs pee on cars..
Well, he is a vet, ya
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Old 03-29-2010, 07:01 PM
Preston327 Preston327 is offline
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If you're going to troll at least put some more effort into it.
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