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Old 12-17-2008, 08:52 PM
Golden_Laurel Golden_Laurel is offline
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Should Sorority desires impact my college choice?


I haven't posted on GC forums before, so I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm a high school senior living in the upper midwest USA, so I'm less than a year away from beginning my college experience-- and SO excited.

Last week I received an acceptance letter to the University of Texas at Austin, my first choice school, and I was THRILLED. UT is my dream school-- I loved every aspect of it when I toured and can't wait to be a part of such an excellent academic program in an exciting social environment...I could go on and on...

Yet, when I think about sending in all the *final* deposits and such, I can't help but feel just a little twinge of sadness, because I feel like I'm kissing goodbye my chance to belong to a sorority if I accept. I mean NO offense to the Greek organization at UT, but I know, realistically, that I would not have a chance of being recruited there. I don't even know how I would get a recommendation- no one in my circle of family or friends has ever been in a sorority, much less one in Texas. I understand that Greek life is VERY competitive there, and I respect that- and long to be a part of it.

Of course I'm going to college for higher education. But being in a sorority is something I truly long for- I would love to have lifelong friendships and share the college experience with a group of sisters. I can't believe I would pass up the opportunity to live and learn at UT, the thought of going to a *different* college, with a less competitive Greek system, where I believe I would have a better chance of getting into a sorority IS lurking in the back of my mind.

I hope this post was not offensive. I am simply conflicted and would appreciate any advice you have about considering Greek life when choosing a college.
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Old 12-17-2008, 08:59 PM
DreamfulSpirit DreamfulSpirit is offline
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How you choose where you go to school should depend on the kind of academics your looking for.

Greek life is something you should consider once you've decided what school you're going to attend. It's after that, when you'll need to figure out what you should do to help better yourself in the recruitment process.

I don't personally know much about UT-Austin, and how competitive it is. There's many others on here who will be able to advise you on how recruitment goes, and how competitive it is there. I do know they have a chapter of my sorority there, and they don't do the traditional NPC recruitment there.
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Last edited by DreamfulSpirit; 12-30-2008 at 02:05 AM.
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Old 12-17-2008, 09:15 PM
SWTXBelle SWTXBelle is offline
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UT-Austin is very competitive. That said, don't give up - it may be that you can find a home at UT-Austin. Realistically, it may not be a "top-tier" house, but so what? All of the NPC sororities on the campus are great, and you have absolutely nothing to lose by going through recruitment. Read up on what to do here on GC - get those recs! - and good luck.
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Last edited by SWTXBelle; 12-17-2008 at 10:08 PM.
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Old 12-17-2008, 09:18 PM
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While I do hold my sorority experience and sisterhood in high regard, it isn't as valuable to me as my college education.

Look at it this way...what if you don't get a bid at a less-competitive school? Even though the campus may not be as competitive as UT, you're still not guaranteed a bid. What are you going to do then?

The decision is ultimately yours, but my suggestion is to put your priority on that UT education. I doubt that anyone here on GreekChat will tell you otherwise.
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Old 12-17-2008, 09:30 PM
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The above advice is nice and all but judging from your post you seem really into joining a sorority.

Well I would say to first ask yourself why you "wouldn't be recruited" and fix the things about you that make you feel that way.

You have a good 7+ months ahead of you and you can do a lot of changing until then.
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Last edited by PANTHERTEKE; 12-17-2008 at 09:33 PM. Reason: grammar and shit
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Old 12-17-2008, 09:41 PM
Senusret I Senusret I is offline
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Originally Posted by PANTHERTEKE View Post
Well I would say to first ask yourself why you "wouldn't be recruited" and fix the things about you that make you feel that way.
I was thinking the same thing. Maybe it's a guy thing.
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Old 12-17-2008, 10:00 PM
KSUViolet06 KSUViolet06 is offline
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Something else to think about: No matter what school you go to, there are no guarantees. No one's ever guaranteed a bid. You could go to another smaller school and STILL not get into a sorority. What would happen then? Would you regret not going to UT?

There's nothing wrong with giving recruitment a try. Yes, it will require you to WORK at getting recs and such, but if you are so interested in being in a sorority it is worth the effort.
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Last edited by KSUViolet06; 12-17-2008 at 10:18 PM.
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Old 12-17-2008, 10:41 PM
LadyLonghorn LadyLonghorn is offline
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Originally Posted by Golden_Laurel View Post
Yet, when I think about sending in all the *final* deposits and such, I can't help but feel just a little twinge of sadness, because I feel like I'm kissing goodbye my chance to belong to a sorority if I accept. I mean NO offense to the Greek organization at UT, but I know, realistically, that I would not have a chance of being recruited there. I don't even know how I would get a recommendation- no one in my circle of family or friends has ever been in a sorority, much less one in Texas. I understand that Greek life is VERY competitive there, and I respect that- and long to be a part of it.
This isn't true. Yes, the Greek system here is VERY competitive, but there are girls from outside of Texas in almost every, if not every, chapter. Yes, recruitment will be more difficult. While it may be difficult to impossible to get into the big three, there are lots of other opportunities. Start lining up recs right now. You'd be surprised how many women you might know who are Greek. Check with teachers, family friends, church members, your friends' mothers etc. Put the word out. Also check and see if there is an Alumnae Panhellenic group in your area. They can put you in touch with women who can help with recs too.

Come here for the education. This campus is huge and diverse. There are plenty of other activities to get involved in should you end up not joining a sorority. Austin is also fun and full of things to do. It's very easy to meet people and get involved. If Texas is your dream school and you were one of the lucky ones admitted, you should go for it!
I do not reply to private messages from people I do not know. Thanks for understanding.
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Old 12-17-2008, 11:12 PM
violetpretty violetpretty is offline
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I'll disagree with the "focus on your education and don't give a second thought as to the Greek system when choosing a college sentiment". There are thousands of colleges in the US. Greek Life is one aspect of campus culture to consider when looking for the best fit school for you. Of course finding a school that meets your needs academically is important. Think about this for a second. There are many schools that are academically equivalent to UT, but the campus culture at each school is different. That's also a factor when considering a school.

It's hard for me to turn around and say, "Oh don't worry about Greek Life, you're at college to get an education" because my sorority membership is so valuable to me, and I can't imagine my life without Sigma Kappa. I don't think my college freshman self would have had the opportunity to be Greek if I went to the University of Alabama, for example, but there are other aspects of the school that would make it a poor fit as well.

That said, my freshman self would have stood little chance at a school like that because I was uninformed. If I knew about the uphill battle I may face 8 months before recruitment started, I would have had the time to find recs.

So my bottom line for the OP is this: If you feel that UT is a great fit for you in every other way, and that you won't be emotionally scarred forever on the chance you don't get a bid, send in your deposit. You are fortunate to have discovered GC with plenty of time to learn about UT Recrutiment.

And I will cosign everything that LadyLonghorn and KSUViolet06 said. Great advice.
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Last edited by violetpretty; 12-17-2008 at 11:18 PM.
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Old 12-17-2008, 11:18 PM
gee_ess gee_ess is offline
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I second LadyLonghorn's advice. You are not without options at UT. But, now that the hard part is over (good hs gpa, acceptance to UT) go after recruitment with the same energy you put into hs.

Google some Texas alumnae panhellenic groups (I think Richardson is a good one, if I remember) and read the booklets they publish for area hs seniors about rush. Be focused and spend spring working on recs. Any alum from any school will work. They don't have to be Texas alumnae.

Also, there is some debate on this elsewhere on GC, but I would recommend at least three recs (or letters) per house for Texas, and I think other Texas, SEC, etc experienced alums will concur.

One more important thing, the Texas groups are highly organized and recs are sent in to most houses in early early summer, as in late May early. Have your info to alums asap and read the many threads on GC regarding how to interact with alums for recs to help this process along.

Good luck!

ETA - I agree with Violet's assessment of considering Greek Life as a component of college. It was a huge part of my collegiate experience and if it something you desire, don't rule it out.

Last edited by gee_ess; 12-17-2008 at 11:20 PM.
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Old 12-17-2008, 11:41 PM
agzg agzg is offline
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I'm not from UT, in fact the greek system at my alma mater isn't really that competitive, but I would think it couldn't hurt to get in touch with your local alumnae panhellenic. Perhaps if you meet and bond with some of the ladies they can help you with recommendations, and if you're lucky enough to meet a UT alumna maybe she can give you face-to-face advice that you'll find helpful. Plus, you may know sorority women, but just don't know they're members. That happens to me all the time.

Unfortunately, you're only really going to get fairly general advice on GreekChat, because we don't know you.

Congratulations on UT though, that's an awesome school!
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Old 12-18-2008, 11:46 AM
WVU alpha phi WVU alpha phi is offline
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The college experience is about more than just an education. Yes that's the main reason you're there, but you're also considering social activities and I think that's smart. How unhappy would you be if you were ultra-conservative and went to Berkeley? Or from the deep south and felt out of place at a large northern school? That's why they recommend and conduct campus tours and overnight visits, so you can get a feel for the school and make sure it's a place you'd like to spend your next 4 years.

It sounds like UT is somewhere you'd like to be academically and socially. It's a big accomplishment to get into your first choice school, and you worked hard to get there. Now you have to work hard to find and meet NPC women and line up recs. There is so much good advice for out of staters on GC, take it all into consideration and apply it. And think of the interesting conversations you'll have during rush- when I think upper Midwest, I think of places probably not a lot of people have been to. You'll be telling these girls all about something they've never experienced before! You might stand out as "the girl from Montana" (or wherever) as opposed to one of hundreds of girls from Houston or something.

I also think the guys suggestions are right.. you have about 9 months before you start college, take this time to address some of the 'issues' you feel like are holding you back from a successful rush.
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Old 12-18-2008, 12:18 PM
Benzgirl Benzgirl is offline
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Many of my cousins went to UT. Only one was Greek. She was not from a "Greek Town" in Texas and lacked a lot of recs that girls from Highland Park, etc. would get.

The year she pledged, a chapter had just colonized. There was a lot of room for opportunity and she eventually held several offices. 25 years later, she is still best friends with 3 of the girls in her chapter -- all moved to LA following Graduation.

The others that were not Greek were very involved on campus. They found many organizations that interested them, and found their spouses as well.

Base your college choice on your eductional needs. The Organizations, Greek or not, will follow.
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Old 12-18-2008, 12:24 PM
Denise_DPhiE Denise_DPhiE is offline
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I am so impressed by this thread. There is plenty of time to make getting a bid at UT a possibility if it is in fact your dream school. did you meet any sorority women on your tour that leads you to believe you would not get a bid? (If so, she was probably a top tier girl who made you feel insecure in yourself and your chances).

I don't recall seeing a similar thread which I think may be a good for future potential new members as well once more people weigh in.

I look forward to reading all the responses and wish you the best of luck!
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Old 12-18-2008, 01:24 PM
Kansas City Kansas City is offline
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Agree with all.

UT is a sure thing for you (since you have received your acceptance letter). Greek life is not yet a guarantee at any shcool until you go through recruitment. Take the time to increase your chances at receiving a bid (through recs, etc.) wherever you do decide to go to school. If you get a bid, great. If not, there are likely plenty of other opportunities for you to connect with others (maybe establish a sisterly bond) through other organizations.

Focus on education first, then your social bonds with others. I'm certain that you will find the right fit no matter what organizations you get involved with wherever you choose to go to school.
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