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Old 05-04-2024, 09:00 PM
PrettyBoy PrettyBoy is offline
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My brother just text me some pictures of my nephew’s prom tonight. He and his date look sharp. I text my brother back telling him that I can tell my nephew’s prom date REALLY likes him based on how she’s smiling at him. 😂😂😂

My sister-in-law told me my nephew didn’t ask her to prom, SHE asked him. He looks extremely nervous in those pics. I wish uncle PB could be a fly on the wall at his prom. 🤣🤣
The world system is in direct opposition to God and His Word — PrettyBoy
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Old 05-04-2024, 10:58 PM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Originally Posted by AGDee View Post
Not the same dude- this other guy is in Atlanta and we're talking daily but there are barriers to overcome. We've been talking about how we would manage things - summers in Michigan, winters in the warm place of his choice, if we end up together. We just spent 3 hours on the phone this morning. I could talk to him forever. It's always hard to hang up the phone. We are texting late into the night too- both of us having a hard time saying goodnight. We met 24 years ago. He's the only person who really knows me to my core- good, bad, ugly. He's everything I've ever wanted in a partner. A fit cognitively, spiritually and physically. I'll be connected to him in a very deep way whether we ever end up truly together or not. For the first 14 years, I thought we'd end up together at this stage of life. Then for the last 10 years, I thought there was no way it would happen. Very soon, we will both be in a position where we can possibly be together. We've been waiting a long time.
Ohhhhh, he could be that guy.

I honestly believe that people could meet the right person at the wrong time. Timing is everything in relationships. It’s like the ones that last happen when you least expect it. Know what I mean?

Originally Posted by AGDee View Post
I was pretty insecure, clingy and jealous back then. I was so afraid of losing him. I think he felt too young to be that tied down too. He wanted to date other people and he dated someone else and then came back. Then a month later he wanted to date other people again. I was 19 and he was 20 so I get it. He will talk about how head over heels he was for me and how he has never been in a longa distance thing again because of how difficult it was for us to be apart during the summers. I might suggest we meet for lunch sometime when I'm on that side of the state again and see how it goes. He's close to Lake Michigan, where my future daughter in law is from. He lives in the town where she went to high school.
You have two options here, Dee.

I think that’s wonderful that the two of you are close together in distance. How often do you talk to him? Do you talk to him as much as the other guy?

Okay, so we need codenames so we know who you’re talking about. Kind of like in Dee’s dates, lol.

Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands View Post
What’s wrong with being jealous? I think we all are to a degree. My girl is both clingy as hell and jealous, but I’ve gotten used to it. But jealousy is natural I think. Being clingy is one thing, but jealousy is normal, as long as it’s not being possessive.

Any of y’all the jealous type?
Well, that depends.

Originally Posted by PrettyBoy View Post
Right, you’re correct. But, you can be in the world, but not of it, which means that while we live on this earth, we are always going to be surrounded by the corrupt influences of this system of thought that opposes God. I can’t do anything about being surrounded by it. However, I can control whether I’m OF it or not.

Originally Posted by AGDee View Post
So here’s the story of ATL Guy. He lives in Atlanta- the biggest barrier.
Back in days before, when the Internet was first easily accessible to civilians, we had Prodigy, CompuServe and America Online. One of the big features of those was live chat rooms. When I was on maternity leave after having my daughter, my (now ex) husband brought home a floppy disk from CompuServe and suggested I learn how to use our computer and figure out the Internet (which ultimately led to me working in cybersecurity!).

CompuServe had CB Chat and there were channels where “regulars” hung out and chatted. I met people from all over the country on that service and met a few and made some really good friends. Around the time my son was born, I met ATL Guy in one of the channels where we were both regulars. We chatted privately a lot. I was working full time, married, and had a 2 year old and a newborn. He was newly retired from the Army and newly divorced. He had a new high paying job in Atlanta. He was playing a lot then, with his new freedom and I was very tied down. We chatted privately a lot though, talking about all kinds of things.

A group of people from the channel used to get together regularly for some wild parties. I never went because I was married with two babies. I gave him relationship advice and we talked about all kinds of things- politics, interests, hobbies, music, movies, etc. He became one of my best friends and he considered me one of his best friends also.

Summer of 2000, I got divorced. After four years of typing to each other, we started talking on the phone. He was giving ME dating advice as I was venturing into that world. Then one day he told me that he was going to be travelling to Ohio for business and wondered how far it was and if I could meet him for dinner because he wanted to meet his friend. He was going to be near Columbus so I drove down. When we met in person he gave me a huge hug and we both realized that there was more than just friendship there. We had very intense chemistry too. But he had a very high paying job in Georgia and I had 50-50 custody with my ex in Michigan. I couldn’t go anywhere and neither could he. We agreed to prioritize our friendship always because it was really important to us.

We helped each other write our profiles for online dating sites and talked on the phone and emailed and chatted online. We each had more serious relationships during which time we would limit communication to occasional email. When we were both single, we would see each other. There were a few summers that we saw each other quite a bit, including 2009. I don’t know if I posted anything about him then. I haven’t gone back to look. I might have though. We also saw each other a few times in 2011. And before that- like 2000, 2001, 2005 maybe. We agreed that if we were both single when we retired and were free to move, we would be together then. We always respected the boundaries when one of us was in a relationship though.

We talked on the phone a couple times in 2015 but he met someone around then and got involved pretty quickly after his last breakup. He married her in 2016 and I wrote it off, assuming it was done for good and I’d just get occasional emails from then on. But, his marriage is ending now. And now I don’t have kids at home and he’s retired so it is possible. But he has to finish his business first. And he needs some time after everything is settled. So we’ll see. It might not happen. It might happen. He will always be my best friend either way.

As for jealousy? It's insecurity and it's not healthy. You should be confident in your partner and know that they are committed to you.
Omg, I ❤️ this story! I hope this works out for you, Dee. I mean, at least one or the other, lol.
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Old 05-05-2024, 01:13 AM
Phrozen Sands Phrozen Sands is offline
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Originally Posted by PrettyBoy View Post
Well yeah, Phroze, but if you read 2 Timothy 3, you’ll get a better understanding of what I mean. I’m not disagreeing with you at all, you’re actually right. Yeah, it’s so easy to become caught up in that, along with the norms and values of society, which are governed by the world. There are so many ideas about what is right and wrong swirling around us every day — images and words are constantly sent through the media that are designed to get our focus off the Word of God and on what the world says is acceptable.

Right, you’re correct. But, you can be in the world, but not of it, which means that while we live on this earth, we are always going to be surrounded by the corrupt influences of this system of thought that opposes God. I can’t do anything about being surrounded by it. However, I can control whether I’m OF it or not.
Words spoken/posted by the son of an Alpha Man, raised by an Alpha Man Lol.

Originally Posted by AGDee View Post
So here’s the story of ATL Guy. He lives in Atlanta- the biggest barrier.
Back in days before, when the Internet was first easily accessible to civilians, we had Prodigy, CompuServe and America Online. One of the big features of those was live chat rooms. When I was on maternity leave after having my daughter, my (now ex) husband brought home a floppy disk from CompuServe and suggested I learn how to use our computer and figure out the Internet (which ultimately led to me working in cybersecurity!).

CompuServe had CB Chat and there were channels where “regulars” hung out and chatted. I met people from all over the country on that service and met a few and made some really good friends. Around the time my son was born, I met ATL Guy in one of the channels where we were both regulars. We chatted privately a lot. I was working full time, married, and had a 2 year old and a newborn. He was newly retired from the Army and newly divorced. He had a new high paying job in Atlanta. He was playing a lot then, with his new freedom and I was very tied down. We chatted privately a lot though, talking about all kinds of things.

A group of people from the channel used to get together regularly for some wild parties. I never went because I was married with two babies. I gave him relationship advice and we talked about all kinds of things- politics, interests, hobbies, music, movies, etc. He became one of my best friends and he considered me one of his best friends also.

Summer of 2000, I got divorced. After four years of typing to each other, we started talking on the phone. He was giving ME dating advice as I was venturing into that world. Then one day he told me that he was going to be travelling to Ohio for business and wondered how far it was and if I could meet him for dinner because he wanted to meet his friend. He was going to be near Columbus so I drove down. When we met in person he gave me a huge hug and we both realized that there was more than just friendship there. We had very intense chemistry too. But he had a very high paying job in Georgia and I had 50-50 custody with my ex in Michigan. I couldn’t go anywhere and neither could he. We agreed to prioritize our friendship always because it was really important to us.

We helped each other write our profiles for online dating sites and talked on the phone and emailed and chatted online. We each had more serious relationships during which time we would limit communication to occasional email. When we were both single, we would see each other. There were a few summers that we saw each other quite a bit, including 2009. I don’t know if I posted anything about him then. I haven’t gone back to look. I might have though. We also saw each other a few times in 2011. And before that- like 2000, 2001, 2005 maybe. We agreed that if we were both single when we retired and were free to move, we would be together then. We always respected the boundaries when one of us was in a relationship though.

We talked on the phone a couple times in 2015 but he met someone around then and got involved pretty quickly after his last breakup. He married her in 2016 and I wrote it off, assuming it was done for good and I’d just get occasional emails from then on. But, his marriage is ending now. And now I don’t have kids at home and he’s retired so it is possible. But he has to finish his business first. And he needs some time after everything is settled. So we’ll see. It might not happen. It might happen. He will always be my best friend either way.

As for jealousy? It's insecurity and it's not healthy. You should be confident in your partner and know that they are committed to you.
Sounds like y’all were interested in each other while y’all were both married Lol. I still trip out knowing the fact that folks hook up in IRL on online blogs and chat rooms. I have a friend who met his girl on a blog. I hope y’all can agree to some kind of middle ground and make it work. Atlanta is far from you, but if you like each other and are close, you’ll make it happen.

I don’t know if I agree with you on jealousy though. I think there are different kinds of jealousy. There’s the healthy kind and the unhealthy kind. My girl is the unhealthy kind. I think everybody can get jealous, depending on the situation. This can also happen knowing your partner is committed to you. Jealousy doesn’t automatically equal insecure.

Originally Posted by PrettyBoy View Post
My brother just text me some pictures of my nephew’s prom tonight. He and his date look sharp. I text my brother back telling him that I can tell my nephew’s prom date REALLY likes him based on how she’s smiling at him. 😂😂😂

My sister-in-law told me my nephew didn’t ask her to prom, SHE asked him. He looks extremely nervous in those pics. I wish uncle PB could be a fly on the wall at his prom. 🤣🤣
Lol why would you want to mess with your nephew like that, PB?

Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek View Post
Well, that depends.

Lmao! Depends on what, CG? I gotta read this because I remember reading your posts in D&R that you’re the jealous type. I remember reading something about that from you when this topic got brought up.
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Old 05-05-2024, 10:31 AM
AGDee AGDee is offline
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Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek View Post
Ohhhhh, he could be that guy.

I honestly believe that people could meet the right person at the wrong time. Timing is everything in relationships. It’s like the ones that last happen when you least expect it. Know what I mean?

You have two options here, Dee.

I think that’s wonderful that the two of you are close together in distance. How often do you talk to him? Do you talk to him as much as the other guy?

Okay, so we need codenames so we know who you’re talking about. Kind of like in Dee’s dates, lol.

Omg, I ❤️ this story! I hope this works out for you, Dee. I mean, at least one or the other, lol.
I have referred to ATL Guy as ATL Guy to a lot of people for a long time so that's his code name. We are connected in a way I've never connected with someone before. In October, my boss asked me to come with her on a business trip to Atlanta in mid-November. Of course my mind was on him when I knew I would be there but not able to see him. The next day, he called and said I'd been on his mind all day and he didn't know why. That's the connection. I think our spirits have known each other before this world and will continue to know each other after this world. And it's ok if we don't end up together in this world because we will always know each other. I also think the friendship we've built over all this time would carry us through anything. The women he's been in relationships with keep trying to change him. He seems astonished that I accept him as he is. He makes me laugh so hard. If this works out, I will write the book- because it will finally have an ending.

My interactions with TKE Dude are primarily on Facebook. Reactions and chats to each others posts and an occasional Messenger chat. We haven't spoken on the phone since 1980something. I don't know that he's even an option.

Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands View Post

Sounds like y’all were interested in each other while y’all were both married Lol. I still trip out knowing the fact that folks hook up in IRL on online blogs and chat rooms. I have a friend who met his girl on a blog. I hope y’all can agree to some kind of middle ground and make it work. Atlanta is far from you, but if you like each other and are close, you’ll make it happen.
I wasn't interested in him that way until I met him in person, after my ex had filed for divorce. He was truly just a friend. We cared about each other a lot, but had no idea that other component would be there. I did know he was an attractive man from pictures I'd seen. But that's different than the sparks of chemistry too.
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Old 05-05-2024, 11:31 AM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands View Post
Lmao! Depends on what, CG? I gotta read this because I remember reading your posts in D&R that you’re the jealous type. I remember reading something about that from you when this topic got brought up.
I don’t remember posting anything like that because I’m not that way. But, I do have respectful boundaries.

I mean, if you’re talking about clingy, possessive jealousy, no, I’m not like that. But if you’re talking about having healthy boundaries, then yes, I am. I’m not sure how you define “jealous”. I mean, your definition could be different from mine.

Originally Posted by AGDee View Post
I have referred to ATL Guy as ATL Guy to a lot of people for a long time so that's his code name. We are connected in a way I've never connected with someone before. In October, my boss asked me to come with her on a business trip to Atlanta in mid-November. Of course my mind was on him when I knew I would be there but not able to see him. The next day, he called and said I'd been on his mind all day and he didn't know why. That's the connection. I think our spirits have known each other before this world and will continue to know each other after this world. And it's ok if we don't end up together in this world because we will always know each other. I also think the friendship we've built over all this time would carry us through anything. The women he's been in relationships with keep trying to change him. He seems astonished that I accept him as he is. He makes me laugh so hard. If this works out, I will write the book- because it will finally have an ending.

My interactions with TKE Dude are primarily on Facebook. Reactions and chats to each others posts and an occasional Messenger chat. We haven't spoken on the phone since 1980something. I don't know that he's even an option.
Hilarious! I laughed so hard when you said you immediately thought about him when you went to Atlanta on your business trip. Dee, you are so positive. You have such a positive outlook on everything. Because of that, I think good things will come from this between you and him. And I love the codename for him, too, especially the codename “TKE Dude”. Hilarious!

Did he have any kids from his previous marriages? You may have already posted he did, but I missed it somehow, if you did.
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Old 05-05-2024, 12:36 PM
AGDee AGDee is offline
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Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek View Post

Hilarious! I laughed so hard when you said you immediately thought about him when you went to Atlanta on your business trip. Dee, you are so positive. You have such a positive outlook on everything. Because of that, I think good things will come from this between you and him. And I love the codename for him, too, especially the codename “TKE Dude”. Hilarious!

Did he have any kids from his previous marriages? You may have already posted he did, but I missed it somehow, if you did.
I think you're getting the guys messed up- the college boyfriend/prom date one is TKE Dude. The one in Atlanta is ATL Guy. LOL.

I have always just had faith that if ATL Guy and I were meant to be together in this life that God was going to make it happen in the right time. Honestly, nobody I have ever met has equaled our connection. And maybe that's why I haven't met someone else yet. He does not have any kids and honestly didn't want them. He was in a military job that would have made having kids very difficult. When he retired from the Army, he was divorced. He avoided relationships with women with kids after awhile because he decided that wasn't the right path for him. He is very concerned whether my kids will like him. They will. I have no doubt about that. He's an incredible person.

Last edited by AGDee; 05-05-2024 at 12:56 PM.
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Old 05-05-2024, 02:25 PM
Phrozen Sands Phrozen Sands is offline
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Originally Posted by AGDee View Post
I wasn't interested in him that way until I met him in person, after my ex had filed for divorce. He was truly just a friend. We cared about each other a lot, but had no idea that other component would be there. I did know he was an attractive man from pictures I'd seen. But that's different than the sparks of chemistry too.
He didn’t send you a picture before you met him in person?

Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek View Post
I don’t remember posting anything like that because I’m not that way. But, I do have respectful boundaries.

I mean, if you’re talking about clingy, possessive jealousy, no, I’m not like that. But if you’re talking about having healthy boundaries, then yes, I am. I’m not sure how you define “jealous”. I mean, your definition could be different from mine.
Lmao @ you trying to make it a grey topic. Just say you’re jealous as hell CG, and call it a day. You already said if you saw him in bed boning another chick, you’d pull a Lorena Bobbitt on him, then kill him Lol!

So I’ll give you a scenario to see if we define it the same way. Let’s say you and Mr. CG were out and about and you saw other women checking him out, would that make you mad or uncomfortable? You said you got mad when some of your coworkers told you he looks good. Didn’t even know he was your man, right? Or something like that, you said. The fact that you got mad, that’s jealousy.
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Old 05-05-2024, 05:47 PM
Cheerio Cheerio is offline
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So many students, dressed in their graduation finest, taking both group and individual photos by the main entrance into the college during the past two weeks! It's fun to view the colorful, greek-letter imprinted stoles some of them have chosen to wear.
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Old 05-05-2024, 07:38 PM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Originally Posted by AGDee View Post
I think you're getting the guys messed up- the college boyfriend/prom date one is TKE Dude. The one in Atlanta is ATL Guy. LOL.

I have always just had faith that if ATL Guy and I were meant to be together in this life that God was going to make it happen in the right time. Honestly, nobody I have ever met has equaled our connection. And maybe that's why I haven't met someone else yet. He does not have any kids and honestly didn't want them. He was in a military job that would have made having kids very difficult. When he retired from the Army, he was divorced. He avoided relationships with women with kids after awhile because he decided that wasn't the right path for him. He is very concerned whether my kids will like him. They will. I have no doubt about that. He's an incredible person.
Oopsie! I did. I went back to read it again. I’ve got them straight now, lol.

Oh Dee, you are golden, lol. He’s like perfect for you! And he even wants to know if your kids will like him. That means he’s planning on paying you a visit in Michigan.

Did you ever talk about him in Dee’s dates in D&R? I don’t remember you ever talking about him.

So, on a scale from 1-10, how well do you think you know him? 10 being the most.
Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands View Post
Lmao @ you trying to make it a grey topic. Just say you’re jealous as hell CG, and call it a day. You already said if you saw him in bed boning another chick, you’d pull a Lorena Bobbitt on him, then kill him Lol!

So I’ll give you a scenario to see if we define it the same way. Let’s say you and Mr. CG were out and about and you saw other women checking him out, would that make you mad or uncomfortable? You said you got mad when some of your coworkers told you he looks good. Didn’t even know he was your man, right? Or something like that, you said. The fact that you got mad, that’s jealousy.
Omg! Hilarious! Ya know, you are like such an instigator, Phrozen Sands. That is SO not what I said, and you know it. This is like a major deflection. This is really how YOU are, and you’re trying to reverse it on me, lol.

To answer your question, women look at him all the time when we’re out together, but because he’s totally clueless, he doesn’t even notice it. His cluelessness and innocence has always made me laugh. But, no, it doesn’t bother me.

And with my previous coworkers, their assumptions upset me, not what they were saying about him. I actually found that to be amusing.

And you need to stop taking everything I say so literally, Mr.
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Old 05-05-2024, 09:50 PM
AGDee AGDee is offline
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Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek View Post
Oopsie! I did. I went back to read it again. I’ve got them straight now, lol.

Oh Dee, you are golden, lol. He’s like perfect for you! And he even wants to know if your kids will like him. That means he’s planning on paying you a visit in Michigan.

Did you ever talk about him in Dee’s dates in D&R? I don’t remember you ever talking about him.

So, on a scale from 1-10, how well do you think you know him? 10 being the most.
We have a tour of Michigan all planned out, if and when the time is right for it to happen.

I don’t remember if I talked about him in D&R. If I did, it would have been summer of 2009, before I met Hockey Dad. I saw him multiples times that summer. I’ll have to go back and look.

How well do I know him? I would say an 8. I know his heart and soul. I know his dreams, his aspirations, his fears, and his vulnerabilities. I know what obstacles he’s had to overcome in his life. I know his sense of humor and his interests and passions. What he and I have talked about is how we feel like we know the core of each other, but we don’t basic day to day things. We toss out random questions like “Do you make the bed every day?” “Do you shower in the morning or at night?’ “Which side of the bed do you sleep on?” “What chores do you hate doing?” These are things you would know about someone if you lived near them. I know his strengths and I know his weaknesses. He knows all of that about me also. I think he knows me better than anybody else in this world does because it was always safe to share anything with him. He hesitated to answer some of my questions above and I told him it was a no judgment zone- I just wanted to know. The actual answer didn’t really matter. He confessed to not making his bed. I think he expected that I do make mine all the time. When I said “Me neither” he laughed.
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Old 05-05-2024, 10:10 PM
AGDee AGDee is offline
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Ok, I did talk about him in D&R Random. In May 2009, when we were planning to see each other in June. One day he said "Why don't we just meet halfway this weekend?" That's what we ended up doing. In Richmond Kentucky, the exact halfway point. We did that a couple times that summer.
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Old 05-05-2024, 10:11 PM
AGDee AGDee is offline
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Ok, I did talk about him in D&R Random. In May 2009, when we were planning to see each other in June. One day he said "Why don't we just meet halfway this weekend?" That's what we ended up doing. In Richmond Kentucky, the exact halfway point. We did that a couple times that summer.

Last edited by AGDee; 05-05-2024 at 10:16 PM.
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Old 05-05-2024, 11:02 PM
Phrozen Sands Phrozen Sands is offline
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Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek View Post
Omg! Hilarious! Ya know, you are like such an instigator, Phrozen Sands. That is SO not what I said, and you know it. This is like a major deflection. This is really how YOU are, and you’re trying to reverse it on me, lol.

To answer your question, women look at him all the time when we’re out together, but because he’s totally clueless, he doesn’t even notice it. His cluelessness and innocence has always made me laugh. But, no, it doesn’t bother me.

And with my previous coworkers, their assumptions upset me, not what they were saying about him. I actually found that to be amusing.

And you need to stop taking everything I say so literally, Mr.
Lmao! Okay, you got me. It bothers me when dudes check out my girl, especially if they’re looking too hard.

Since that doesn’t bother you CG, what would? You said you have “boundaries”, what are they? I think you’re lying Lol, but go ahead and give me your example of what would bother you?

Originally Posted by AGDee View Post
We have a tour of Michigan all planned out.
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Old 05-06-2024, 12:21 AM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Originally Posted by AGDee View Post
We have a tour of Michigan all planned out, if and when the time is right for it to happen.

I don’t remember if I talked about him in D&R. If I did, it would have been summer of 2009, before I met Hockey Dad. I saw him multiples times that summer. I’ll have to go back and look.

How well do I know him? I would say an 8. I know his heart and soul. I know his dreams, his aspirations, his fears, and his vulnerabilities. I know what obstacles he’s had to overcome in his life. I know his sense of humor and his interests and passions. What he and I have talked about is how we feel like we know the core of each other, but we don’t basic day to day things. We toss out random questions like “Do you make the bed every day?” “Do you shower in the morning or at night?’ “Which side of the bed do you sleep on?” “What chores do you hate doing?” These are things you would know about someone if you lived near them. I know his strengths and I know his weaknesses. He knows all of that about me also. I think he knows me better than anybody else in this world does because it was always safe to share anything with him. He hesitated to answer some of my questions above and I told him it was a no judgment zone- I just wanted to know. The actual answer didn’t really matter. He confessed to not making his bed. I think he expected that I do make mine all the time. When I said “Me neither” he laughed.
Hilarious!!!! Those random, late night questions on the phone with a potential partner that you really, really like are so much fun! You know what this seems like to me? It’s like school. You know everything, you’ve taken all your classes, and then all you have to do is take a board exam or something, lol. That’s a really bad example, but I think you know what I mean.

Well, you two aren’t getting any younger, Dee. I understand that you have to wait for the right timing, but don’t wait too long.

Originally Posted by AGDee View Post
Ok, I did talk about him in D&R Random. In May 2009, when we were planning to see each other in June. One day he said "Why don't we just meet halfway this weekend?" That's what we ended up doing. In Richmond Kentucky, the exact halfway point. We did that a couple times that summer.
Originally Posted by AGDee View Post
Ok, I did talk about him in D&R Random. In May 2009, when we were planning to see each other in June. One day he said "Why don't we just meet halfway this weekend?" That's what we ended up doing. In Richmond Kentucky, the exact halfway point. We did that a couple times that summer.
How did I miss this? I think I was just so entertained by “The Talker”, “Hockey Dad”, and that guy who kept flipping his phone over so you couldn’t see who was calling him, lol.

You know what would be really funny? If somehow, someway, you ended up with “TKE Dude”, instead, lol.

Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands View Post
Lmao! Okay, you got me. It bothers me when dudes check out my girl, especially if they’re looking too hard.

Since that doesn’t bother you CG, what would? You said you have “boundaries”, what are they? I think you’re lying Lol, but go ahead and give me your example of what would bother you?
I knew it! Shame on you for trying to reverse your own insecurities on me.

Oh, I don’t know. I can’t think of any.

Maybe like if someone we both know really liked him and made it seem like she was coming over to visit my whole family and I, but was really coming over to see him. Or if she’d call as a “friend of the family” but kept wanting to speak to him… Do you think I’d be like “Oh, no problem, I’m very secure in my marriage and not a jealous person, so you can keep calling him and coming over”?

Oh, hell no. Uh uh… trust me, I’d catch it and it’d stop immediately. After I got done with her, it’d be the last time she’d be welcome into our home, and the last time she’d come around my family, you can count on that. That doesn’t mean that I’m insecure, it just means that someone attempted to cross my boundaries. I would have to threaten to do a Beth Gallagher on her.
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Last edited by cheerfulgreek; 05-06-2024 at 12:27 AM.
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Old 05-06-2024, 01:56 AM
Phrozen Sands Phrozen Sands is offline
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Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek View Post
I knew it! Shame on you for trying to reverse your own insecurities on me.

Oh, I don’t know. I can’t think of any.

Maybe like if someone we both know really liked him and made it seem like she was coming over to visit my whole family and I, but was really coming over to see him. Or if she’d call as a “friend of the family” but kept wanting to speak to him… Do you think I’d be like “Oh, no problem, I’m very secure in my marriage and not a jealous person, so you can keep calling him and coming over”?

Oh, hell no. Uh uh… trust me, I’d catch it and it’d stop immediately. After I got done with her, it’d be the last time she’d be welcome into our home, and the last time she’d come around my family, you can count on that. That doesn’t mean that I’m insecure, it just means that someone attempted to cross my boundaries. I would have to threaten to do a Beth Gallagher on her.
Lmao! First thing I thought was, who the hell is Beth Gallagher? Your goofy, silly ass is a trip!
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