Hi everyone!
Well, the thread I was using to post my alumna initiation updates got deleted from the system when GC had that crash/hiccup a few months ago.
So, instead of barging in on someone else's thread, I've created my own.
Of course, I don't have anything terribly exciting to share. I went to London two weeks ago and met two GreekChat members UKAXO and kittyuk! They are so much fun! What a riot!
Yes, I did get a picture of us and I will try and post it when the film is developed. kittyuk, who is also hoping to be alum initiated one day, and I had an inside joke about having to start our own sorority. It's called "Lambda Beta Sigma" and our motto is, "Exclusively for Everyone" ehehehehehe....you HAD to be there!
Anyway, the whole day was lots of fun and it helped me see the positivity that sorority sisters can bring into your life.
On the topic of my quest for alumna initiation with "sorority #2", I'm still waiting. I e-mailed my contact last week just to see how she was doing. She e-mailed back yesterday and told me about the neat things she's been up to. She even mentioned how she had run a local marathon and that she crossed the finish line holding the hands of two of her sisters. Now how's THAT for sisterhood?! Anyway, it's nice that she still e-mails every now and again.
So, I guess that's it for now!