Just in case anyone may be concerned about slowing GC down with new posts & threads..
We all know how bogged down & slow GC was for quite some time. I'm sure nobody wants to see that happen again.
Just in case anyone may be concerned about slowing GC down with new posts & threads...
Please go ahead and post. Post new threads and messages.
Posting new messages & threads will likely have minimal impact on GC's new faster speeds. The changes I made with GC's new web hosting setup should be able to handle much more posting of threads & messages without any trouble.
And, after all, this is what forum communities are made for.
Added Bonus:
Messages & Threads that you post will help to revitalize the activity / community participation here on GreekChat. When you post more it encourages other GCers to post more.
Who else remembers back when GC had 100+ active discussions going on each day? Wouldn't it be great if we could get GC back to those levels of activity and even higher?
Anyone who wants to see that happen can help make it so. You can start now by posting a reply to this thread. Let me know if you think this is a good idea.
If even 25 GCers made a point to post a minimum of 1 message each day I think it would have a great positive impact in revitalizing & reinvigorating activity on GC. Just a short while of doing that and before you know it GC will be back to hundreds of GCers posting here daily again.
And while you're having fun doing that, I'll be working to ensure GC remains fast & gets even faster. Will do my best to keep things running quickly & smoothly.