Originally Posted by Pumpkin101
Has anyone else been through a similiar thing? I would love to hear how the experience was? I am also married and was wondering if anyone found it hard to balance time between the organization and your family? I am very family oriented and wanted to know if Delta Sigma Theta has family oriented programs or activities? Or does it depend on each chapter?
I look forward to hearing from you all!!!
*Putting my nice hat on*
This thread will likely get locked but you can read my response anyway. Whether this is a membership question is iffy but read this thread (
http://www.greekchat.com/gcforums/sh...ad.php?t=93413) if you wonder why your thread got locked.
To answer your questions:
1. If you are interested in Delta, you are capable of talking to Deltas off-line who crossed via alumnae chapters. I recommend treading lightly when asking such questions because it can be perceived differently by different people.
2. You can look up the alumnae chapters' programs on their website or by talking to members to figure out what family oriented programs there are. Very easy to find out.