Hello Brothers.
I want to take this oppertunity to spread the word about my chapter's new community service plan, which was spearheaded last January by Brother Jaymin Patel (Current VP Programs).
Beta Gamma's "Promise to the Community" has 4 main areas of emphasis:
1. Food on every plate
2. Clothes on every back
3. A Smile on every face
4. A Roof over every head
We have made this ambitious plan come to life by choosing the Rescue Mission of Mahoning Valley as our local philanthropy, and by entering into partnerships with the Salvation Army and Habitat for Humanity.
Our chapter conducts regular food and clothing drives, serves food at the Mission, tutors 4th, 5th, and 6th grade children at the Salvation Army, participates in the Ohio Reads program at Brookfield Elementary, as well as volunteers with Habitat.
I am currently writing a comprehensive article for the SAGA that spotlights this community service plan and it's conciever, Brother Patel.
This plan was instrumental in helping us to win YSU's IFC Philanthropy Award as well as taking our IFC's Fraternity of the Year for the second year in a row.
If there is any chapter out there looking to expand current programs, or implement this one in your area, don't hesitate to contact me at
StewieSTG@Yahoo.com or on AIM: StewieSTG