Ok, I said I would contact IHQ and see what they thought of it and if AGD's would be allowed to participate. Here is what Ms. K. Jolley (communications/public relations director) wrote back..
Hi Tonya! Good question--and I have a pretty easy answer. As an alumna, you have the opportunity to speak freely and write about any Alpha Gam experience. The Fraternity would not be involved in the process. Any contract signing would be between yourself and the publishers. This
would also be the case for any revenue, since it is an agreement with you and not an offfical agreement with the Fraternity. Does that make
sense? Let me know if you have any questions.
Katie Jolley
I wrote asking as a whole (alumna or collegian), but I guess she thought I was talking about me being an alumna only. However, I will email her what about collegians.