Use of the SA Crest
Hi, this is the first time I've used this, and hope to again! I am currently the fundraising chair for the Alpha chapter at OSU. I'm trying to put together a cookbook with recipes from alpha alum and active sisters. Any alpha alum out there who haven't submitted a recipe and want to, just eamil me!!
My question is, I'm going through a company called Fundcraft, which sets up the printing and everything. I want to use the SA crest on the cover and was wondering if there were any rules I had to follow to do this? Do I need to get permission to reprint it or can I just send in a copy to the printers and have them do it? Thanks to anyone who helps me with this!!! Also if anyone wants any information about this fundraiser, feel free to email me. We can buy the books, with our recipes, for as little as $2.55 a book, and sell them at whatever price you want. Hopefully, we will make a major profit on this one. Thanks again!!