Boo Boo Bunnies... here's a website:
I also saw a chapter make tic tac toe boards out of four by four tiles, paint pens, and flat marbles. They turned out very cute. You can probably find some draw string bags to put them in at the site below.
Also, check out - they have a lot of craft ideas including pencil boxes, door hangers, etc.
Oriental Trading also has a large variety of tote bags and boxes... if you visit your local Walmart, KMart, etc and tell them what you are doing they may donate either school supplies that could be used to make "back to school" kits or toiletries that could be stuffed into a tote and given to a battered womens shelter.
Hope these ideas help. Let us know what you decided to do.
Another cute idea is to print coloring book pages from the internet (do a search for "coloring pages" and you will find plenty). Bind the pages together, add a package of crayons ( has small boxes of crayons for cheap) and donate the coloring books to your local hospital.