Hey People!
What's been going on? I've been gone for a while (I know, I know, Bad ZChi4Life!) *slaps wrist* But I'm back to bother you all again
So what did I miss? Man, there's SO much to catch up on.
I've been busy busy w/ the sorority. We just had our National Conference last weekend. It was a great success. All of our hard work in planning really paid off. We voted in our next National Board officers which means that my presidency will be over in December
Sad sad, but it's definitely time to move on. I'm going to be taking some online courses through Kaplan College to get certified in Web Design
I'm super geeked about it!
So that's what's been going on w/ me. I hope everything has been going well w/ everyone here!
Ok, well I'll see you guys around!