Kristin is the #214 most common female name. (126225)
Kristen is the #194 most common female name. (141525)
So if you combined results it is probably in the top 100.
My name is common now, but when I was younger I could only find personalized items spelled Kristen, not Kristin. It was so sad.
I guess I can live with a common first name. My last name is the #13289 most common last name. Only 2500 US last names match mine.
Kristin, I have the same problem, except the exact opposite! I can never find anything spelled "Kristen" anymore, and no one even bothers to ask if it's with an "e" or an "i" (cause they assume "i" - it's so much more popular)
i'm bummed. there are so many personalized giftshop mugs, license plates, keychains and notepads that i'm excluded from
Nancy is the #12 most common female name.
0.669% of females in the US are named Nancy.
Around 852975 US females are named Nancy!
Nancy is a very rare male name.
Very few men in the US are named Nancy.
Be proud of your unique name! (ok, good to know.......)
I have a unique last name though.
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Have no place I can be since I found Serenity, but you can't take the sky from me...
Only those who risk going too far, find out how far they can go.