-Put a notice with your contact info in your school's alum magazine that you are looking for alumnae.
-If your school has an online alum directory, ask an alum to help you look up addresses, try for one person from each pledge class (you can get a list of all chapter members from nationals). Once the ball starts rolling they can pass the info along.
-Make sure that your chapter website has an area where alums can leave their info for you.
A lot of older alumnae won't have computer access but you can make a dent if you get younger alums' email addresses.
Here is another idea: towards the end of the school year, see if the alum office on campus will help you out. This is what we did (I am alum) for our reunion. The office had $$$ left over and they didn't want to have to report that they didn't use it because then the school would reduce their budget. Not only did they make copies & labels for us, they paid for postage!! You have to wait till the end of the year though.
It is all 33girl's fault. ~DrPhil