Thought this might help...
Check this out. Classmates™TV is looking for Greek stories!
Classmates™ wants to give you a blast from your past!
Do you want to reunite with an old classmate, maybe a best friend or worst enemy? Would you like to finally reveal that secret crush or hook up again with your first love? Is it time for you to confront the class bully and show off how successful you've become? If so, then write and tell me your story, and maybe we can bring you and your classmate together!
Maybe you were in a fraternity or sorority and want to reconnect with your line brothers or sisters, your chapter, or someone else you have met in the greek world.
We’d also love to reunite family members, former co-workers, military connections… If there’s someone from the past that you’d like to resolve an issue with, let us know.
Please e-mail me and tell me with whom you'd like be reunited with, how long it has been since you've seen them last, and why you'd like to be reunited. Don't wait!
All e-mails will be confidential and looked at only by FOX Producers. Please if possible include photos of all relevant subjects, and a phone number where you can be reached. I look forward to hearing your stories.
Danielle Porter
Associate Producer/Booker