roll call
Name: Keisha Pollard
Chapter/School: Psi Phi, Tennessee State University
Pledged/Probate: November 2001/Spring 2002
Offices: Pledge Trainer, unofficial Fellowship Chair, President. I have held every office in this chapter unoffically. I'm a dedicated member.
Why I joined: This was my opportunity to be apart of an organization that did not have a stereotype on the campus and stood for something positive. I also give my time and energy to those who need it and why not do it with your peers.
Anything else: I have enjoyed being an active member of APO since my inception. The friends, well we are family at Psi Phi, that I have met is unbelievable. These are people that I wil truly miss while I'm away exploring my life and I hope the legacy continues.
One Love "The 16" and especially "The Elite 8" the truest line to come through Psi Phi.