I was certified to teach in Texas, but it was a provisional certificate. We were living in Santa Cruz at the time we moved down to Chile - my husband had a post doc at one of the US astronomical observatories down there.
This was 1995. I had a Prodigy account (remember them?). In a post there, I found out Menlo Park was the sister city of the Chilean town we were moving to. I contacted the poster who put me in touch with the Menlo Park/La Serena sister city coordinator. They were the ones who asked if I would be interested in teaching there.
Since my husband's position was considered a diplomatic one, I as his wife was not allowed to work (for money) on his visa. So I did it on a volunteer basis. The sister city people in California set it up with the La Serena people. I was going to teach English in a public boys high school, but girls were also going to be able to attend.
I did it for about a semester - I really couldn't handle the machismo attitude of these boys toward the girls.