The Ladies of Omega Tau Pi Sorority, an organization dedicated to giving back to the community, is sponsoring a Uniform and School Supply Drop, August 9 and 16, from 9am - 4pm at the following Wal-Mart Locations:
Wal-Mart Super Center - O’Neal Lane
Wal-Mart @ Cortana
Wal-Mart - Perkins Drive
Wal-Mart - Baker, La
We are looking for Volunteers and Donations. We need 3-5 people to direct the donations at each location. We feel that by opening this project up to the public we can get more support and learn how to work better with other organizations in the Baton Rouge area. All donations will be given to one of the following for distribution:
Salvation Army
AC Lewis Branch of the YMCA
Baton Rouge Boys and Girls’ Club
This project will advertised on 94.1, in Coffee Talk Newletter, via the internet and of course by word of mouth.
If you or your organization is interested in making a donation, volunteering or advertising for this event; please contact Niqueta Williams at 225-927-2652 or at . All persons/organization participating in this event will be rewarded with the joy of giving and invitation to a Back-To-School BBQ/Pool Party on August 23, 2003.
Thank you in advance for your support,
Niqueta Williams