I know at my school, when houses do room picks, some houses do first picks by a point system, rather than seniority. In the points system, each member gets points for things like wearing their letters to class on a certain day or attending functions such as community service and trade dinner with other houses. They also give points for being involved in other campus organizations. If you house uses the piont system already, up the value of being involved in activities.
The best way to get people to do stuff if to give them an incentive. If you don't have a point system, another way to motivate them to join other groups would be to find other privelages for them to earn by being the most involved. Make up some award that is given out each semester to the most involved sister, based on position and # of other organizations they are involved with. Or you could just give out a gift bag full of little things like candy or something with your letters on it to them at the end of the semester.
I even know of some houses at my school that require their members to be involved in at least one other organization as part of being a member of the GLO.
There are some ideas for you.