Originally posted by myersm
I am so sorry for being a pain in the ass. I understand the rules, and absentlymindly posted this before I read them. I apologize for pissing everyone off for asking the same thing others probably have. I know now to just read everyone else's post rather than having my own questions directly answered if it is a common question.
I didn't know that such a post would be such an issue with people.
Again, I apologize for being a pain in the ass.
There is no reason to be that way. It is just that is one of the most popular topics in this forum. So it gets a little tiresome to see the same topics in new threads. Honestly, you do not even need to use the 'search' function. Just scroll through the first two pages of this particular forum. When it comes to rush stuff, it is better to look for information in old threads. You may find your answer and won't need another new thread.