I just got back LATE last night from St. Louis, Missouri, where I spent an awesome weekend with Pi Phi presidents from across the country! Needless to say it was a spirited weekend and I learned a lot. We clarified the new Leading with Values program and exchanged ideas for implementing it in our chapters.
I met sooooo many people--Our Grand President Emily Tarr and several Grand VPs (Linda Ibsen led several of the workshops) and Directors. I got to see our GORGEOUS new headquarters, as well.
In terms of GC, I met several CPs from chapters represented here: Ontario Gamma, Texas Epsilon, West Virginia Alpha, Virginia Zeta, Virginia Eta, Alabamma Gamma, Mississippi Beta, and more! It was an awesome time. I learned a lot and had fun, too. I will be posting a very detailed examination of the entire weekend in my LiveJournal, if any of you care to check it out.
If you want to know if I met anyone, just ask!
Or have any other random questions.