Speaking on behalf of the Lambda-Xi Chapter of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, I would just like to say that, for being my first conclave, it was the most fun I have ever had. From the model initiation to the elaborate banquet, this was indeed Kappa Sigma's Finest Hour. (and not to mention all the beauty pagent contestants that were staying there)
Not only was the conclave great but I really enjoyed getting to meet all of my brothers from around the United States and Canada. It is so great to see that Kappa Sigma is about nothing but the best. I would also like to extend congratulations to all of the award winners. I was especially excited when it was announced that Lambda-Xi had won the FACE award (along with 14 other awards, which was the most awards won by a chapter east of the Mississippi). To be part of such a successful chapter makes me proud every day that I am a Kappa Sigma. This will surely help out with our rush this fall. I also want to wish the best of luck to the newly elected SEC. Champions Quest, Brothers in Action, and A Greater Cause sound like great programs that can only make Kappa Sigma even stronger. I also want to give special congratulations to Lambda-Xi's own H. Phillip Bell IV on being elected Worthy Grand Master of Ceremonies. I know that he and the other brothers on the SEC will lead Kappa Sigma into a bright future. Again, I just want to say that this will be an experience that I will not soon forget, and I hope to be back in Las Vegas in 2005!