I for one wish to throw My Support behind Both of the Above Brothers who were at GA.
Yes, there was discussion between us!
lifesaver and I had a very good conversastion about this and talked to JoinerLXA out side at my smoke break.
I attened one full Conclave years back, and 1 with Banquet only and guess what, I saved money from staying in a Marriot at The Hotel at the Airport when I could have driven home nightly.
Did not set right with me then and not now. Thinking of saving Fraternity Money only.
Granted, it has to be a big enough Hotel to House and have meeting Rooms for functions, but to try to fined Hotels that are not as expensive should be the Priority.
The Hotel was fine as far as rooms and mneetings were concerned, but the food sucked.
I am like many, heck Pizza and Burgers sounded and would have tasted better.
Conclaves, Can be centered in Those Areas! The one I was attending covered Colo. to Ill. Neb. to Oak. Great Plains with the fartherst Wy. What totally amazed me, was the Big Schools not there, they were in another Conclave meeting. Never really understood that one. U. Mo. U Oak., Oak. State, U. Neb., U. Ks, Ks State., U. Ill. , U. Co.
Yes, there are more Regions to cover, but not every GHZ or Staff or ELC has to be there. Put Bids out for what is needed for the best price.
Central Locations are by far the best such as Indy for GA, There are other places like Kansas City, Denver, Somewhere in Tex, Cal.
Maybe We the Three Bothers posting are all wet, this is our opinion. We are trying to save money, and have a chance to be and meet with Brothers who have the same problems.
An over all is what G A is about, to Get All Of Us Together and discuss Over All Problems. This is When All Zetas Have a voice, The Staff is there and The GHZ!
"While I may Never Be Wrong, I am not always right"!
But, to interact with Brothers who have similar Problems, it is important. We can then go back and discuss this on a Zeta to Zeta Level!