There's a link to the following article on ADPi's Face Book page:
Courage for Kirsten.
In the spirit of charity, maybe a lot of us (or dare I say ALL of us?) call make arrangements to donate even $5 to this fund? Not looking for $100 or $50 - unless you have it to use - it's between you, your finances, and the sister who will receive it. If you decide to send a check, make sure that you put "Greek Chat ADPi" in the memo area - wouldn't it be something if they receive dozens of checks from one little Forum on a website?
Also, our sister who's fighting this horrible disease may not be from our own chapter, but it would definitely show that Sisters are Sisters, no matter where we live. I wish we had the resources of the internet when one of my chapter sisters was terminally ill.
To get the ball rolling, I'm going to call and get an address tomorrow!