NPC turns 112 today, 5/24/2014
Today marks the 112th birthday of the National Panhellenic Conference. The women first met at the Tea Room in Mandel Brothers Department Store. Then they headed to the Columbus Safety Vaults. I have often wondered why they met in that particular place. I found the answer when researching the history of the Illinois State Chapter of P.E.O. In 1902, the a Chicago chapter of P.E.O. met in the same local. It seems that if one rented a safety deposit box (the P.E.O.s rented one that cost of $5 a year), one could reserve and use the large meeting room.
Today's blog post has a copy of the post card which was sent to the delegates. I've posted it before, but I just love the line, "We trust nothing will prevent your being present."
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