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Old 12-03-2024, 09:41 AM
Zach Zach is offline
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Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek View Post
You don’t see what’s happening around the world? For example, look at what’s happening in Syria. Putin threatening nuclear war. You name it, it’s happening. It’s really sad. Humans are not intelligent at all. There’s like a small handful of us that have sense. It’s sickening.
Would you consider yourself to be included in that handful? If so, why? What makes you different?
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Old 12-03-2024, 11:47 PM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Originally Posted by Zach View Post
Would you consider yourself to be included in that handful?

Originally Posted by Zach View Post
If so, why? What makes you different?
I don’t think it’s about being “different” or smarter in every way, if that’s what you’re alluding to. But, I listen to science — zoology, biology, and chemistry to be specific. An example would be to politicize a virus, or to ignore biology and chemistry. And I think it’s beyond ignorant to ignore biogeography.

Like biology and chemistry for example help us to make sense of how life works. And then when you listen to science, it leads to breakthroughs that benefit everyone. And then, biogeography is equally important because it defines who we are as a species and our origins. It explains the distribution of species and ecosystems, and it also provides an understanding of human diversity, demonstrating that physical traits like skin color are adaptions to environmental factors, not indicators of inherent differences in ability or worth. It actually simply reveals our shared origins and interconnectedness of all humans. How could anyone not understand this? I mean, they’re pretty basic scientific facts, if you ask me. Smart people listen to them, dumb people don’t.
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Last edited by cheerfulgreek; 12-04-2024 at 12:06 AM. Reason: I hate spellcheck
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Old 12-04-2024, 05:23 AM
Zach Zach is offline
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Yeah, I’m not familiar with a lot of the biological science you mentioned, but I know history. I won’t say it’s an absolute fact, but the most widely accepted scientific evidence document’s that modern humans (homo sapiens) evolved in Africa. From Africa, humans began leaving parts of Africa about 60,000 years ago, which eventually spread human populations across the globe. They eventually hooked up with Neanderthals in Europe. There was another group in Asia they hooked up with, too. I’ll have to look that up, because I forgot the name of that group. But as a result, non-African populations can trace their ancestry back to the original group of humans who left Africa during that period. Have you ever read the book called Sapiens?
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Old 12-04-2024, 11:39 AM
Phrozen Sands Phrozen Sands is offline
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Originally Posted by Zach View Post
Yeah, I’m not familiar with a lot of the biological science you mentioned, but I know history. I won’t say it’s an absolute fact, but the most widely accepted scientific evidence document’s that modern humans (homo sapiens) evolved in Africa. From Africa, humans began leaving parts of Africa about 60,000 years ago, which eventually spread human populations across the globe. They eventually hooked up with Neanderthals in Europe. There was another group in Asia they hooked up with, too. I’ll have to look that up, because I forgot the name of that group. But as a result, non-African populations can trace their ancestry back to the original group of humans who left Africa during that period. Have you ever read the book called Sapiens?
So basically, some black folks decided to bounce from Africa, accidentally ran into some Neanderthals that were residing in Europe, kicked it with them, filled the bellies up, pushed out some kids, and that’s how we got here? That’s how your post reads to me Lol
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Old 12-04-2024, 05:53 PM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands View Post
So basically, some black folks decided to bounce from Africa, accidentally ran into some Neanderthals that were residing in Europe, kicked it with them, filled the bellies up, pushed out some kids, and that’s how we got here? That’s how your post reads to me Lol
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Old 12-04-2024, 05:55 PM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Actually Phrozen, there is genetic evidence that supports his post, though.
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Old 12-04-2024, 06:01 PM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Oh, and to Zach, yes, I have read the book “Sapiens”.
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Old 12-04-2024, 09:24 PM
Phrozen Sands Phrozen Sands is offline
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Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek View Post
Lmao! For real though, doesn’t his post read that way? Lol
Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek View Post
Oh, and to Zach, yes, I have read the book “Sapiens”.
I’ve seen that book on the shelf at the local book store. Never looked through it though. Is that book true/accurate?
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Old 12-04-2024, 11:15 PM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands View Post
Lmao! For real though, doesn’t his post read that way? Lol
No, not to me. But your response was HILARIOUS!

Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands View Post
I’ve seen that book on the shelf at the local book store. Never looked through it though. Is that book true/accurate?
Kind of, but not really? I mean, he covered a lot of history in one book which kind of forced him into simplifying more detailed, complex topics. I just thought some of what he was writing about could eventually lead to generalizing. And then, he was like talking about the psychology behind humans, how different cultures evolved, and how the future will be, which was somewhat conjectural, IMHO. There’s a lot of evidence in the book, it’s just that it’s like a mix of some historical, scientific facts with the authors own perspectives. Know what I mean?
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Old 12-11-2024, 03:12 AM
Zach Zach is offline
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Originally Posted by cheerfulgreek View Post
Kind of, but not really? I mean, he covered a lot of history in one book which kind of forced him into simplifying more detailed, complex topics. I just thought some of what he was writing about could eventually lead to generalizing. And then, he was like talking about the psychology behind humans, how different cultures evolved, and how the future will be, which was somewhat conjectural, IMHO. There’s a lot of evidence in the book, it’s just that it’s like a mix of some historical, scientific facts with the authors own perspectives. Know what I mean?
Yeah, it’s not a textbook or anything like that, but more of an interpretation of human history. I liked the book, and I think it’s a good starting point for exploration for curiosity about the Out of Africa theory.
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Old 12-11-2024, 03:22 AM
Zach Zach is offline
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Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands View Post
So basically, some black folks decided to bounce from Africa, accidentally ran into some Neanderthals that were residing in Europe, kicked it with them, filled the bellies up, pushed out some kids, and that’s how we got here? That’s how your post reads to me Lol
Interbreeding did happen. But genetic facts show that the majority of modern human DNA traces back to African populations. I’ve also read from scholarly sources that non-African populations have small percentages (about 2%) of Neanderthal DNA. This is the interbreeding evidence between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals in Europe and Western Asia. If you look at Asian populations, they carry Denisovan DNA. It’s about 5% in some parts. That was the other group whose name I forgot. That’s evidence right there that there was interbreeding with them too.
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Old 12-11-2024, 02:53 PM
navane navane is offline
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Last night I was catching up on some items I had saved in my DVR, but I had not watched yet. One was an episode of PBS Independent Lens called Space: The Longest Goodbye. It is about how NASA has attempted to research how we humans might approach a trip to Mars as the journey is long and people who volunteer to go will experience extreme isolation.

The program was a little dry at first, but became more interesting towards the second half. When it comes to space exploration, people are focused on things like "science", technology and biology.....but are humans prepared to mentally survive? NASA hired psychologists to look into just that.

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Old 12-11-2024, 05:29 PM
Phrozen Sands Phrozen Sands is offline
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Y’all ever see those documentaries about how the Egyptians, Mayans, and Aztecs had pyramid art showing aliens? I’ve seen documentaries where the artwork shows aliens interbreeding with humans/non-modern humans — Neanderthals like Zach said. Y’all think that could have happened, if there are aliens out there? Dumb question, but my curiosity told me to ask.
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Old 12-11-2024, 10:55 PM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Originally Posted by navane View Post
Last night I was catching up on some items I had saved in my DVR, but I had not watched yet. One was an episode of PBS Independent Lens called Space: The Longest Goodbye. It is about how NASA has attempted to research how we humans might approach a trip to Mars as the journey is long and people who volunteer to go will experience extreme isolation.

The program was a little dry at first, but became more interesting towards the second half. When it comes to space exploration, people are focused on things like "science", technology and biology.....but are humans prepared to mentally survive? NASA hired psychologists to look into just that.

Thank you for posting this, navane. I would like to watch that documentary.

Originally Posted by Phrozen Sands View Post
Y’all ever see those documentaries about how the Egyptians, Mayans, and Aztecs had pyramid art showing aliens? I’ve seen documentaries where the artwork shows aliens interbreeding with humans/non-modern humans — Neanderthals like Zach said. Y’all think that could have happened, if there are aliens out there? Dumb question, but my curiosity told me to ask.
I highly doubt aliens and Neanderthals had sex and reproduced. If there are/were aliens visiting Earth, for interbreeding to happen, the alien life forms would need to have DNA or a compatible genetic structure very similar to humans. IMHO, this is like a big “no way”, given the differences likely to exist between life forms that evolved on entirely separate planets. And there’s like no verified scientific evidence or fossil record to suggest that humans have DNA from non-Earth species.

Some ancient cultures like the ones you’ve mentioned have myths involving “gods” or aliens coming to Earth to mate with humans. I think these stories are more symbolic than anything, in order to explain natural phenomena, not actual historic events.
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Old 12-11-2024, 11:03 PM
cheerfulgreek cheerfulgreek is offline
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Originally Posted by Zach View Post
I’ve also read from scholarly sources that non-African populations have small percentages (about 2%) of Neanderthal DNA.
What sources were you using, Zach? I’m asking because this isn’t true.
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