My chapter had an elaborate senior ceremony too, I don't think it was anything official but it borrowed a little from formal meetings, a little from initiation, and a little from pledge ceremony. Hard to explain without revealing too much!
Anyway, I have the lyrics for a song we sang (When this key grows old), but I have lost the tune. If you have a book of initiation/formal ceremony songs, it might be in there?
Here are two poems I like you could use:
Wishes for You
We wish you only the very best. We wish you humor and a twinkle in your eye. We with you both glory and the strength to bear the burdens that life brings. We wish you peace in the world in which you live and in the smallest corner of your heart where truth is kept. We wish you empathy – so many relationships are shattered because we fail to see the other person’s viewpoint. We wish you friendship, that special bond that we have found here in Kappa. And most of all, we wish you love – because love is what makes the rest worthwhile.
-- Anonymous
With Kappa Love, From a Kappa Sister
Just before you go to sleep
And of a bond that never dies.
Think of blues both light and deep;
Think about the fleur-de-lis
Think about the key that you wear
And then, again, about the key.
And Kappa Sisters, true and fair;
But most of all, before you sleep
Think about the owl so wise
Think of friends you’ll always keep.