This is my sorority's 10th anniversary year. There's many things we would like to accomplish including (but not limited to):
1) Establish ourselves a bit more on the national level in terms of scope (so expansion)
2) retention, retention, retention
3) Standardize infrastructure...especially as far as chapter operations are concerned
4) Set up a foundation with 501(c)3 status (currently were under 501(c)7 status)
5) Secure a physical office for our National Headquarters complete with paid staff
6) Revitalize our alumna/affiliate pledge programs
7) Forge some concrete partnerships with other non-profits who assist in our sorority causes
8) Join a council (although we're still shopping for one that fits our needs...)
9) Work a bit with greek paraphernalia suppliers on making products for our organization
10) Have one of the DGP sorors run for president of the US ( maybe that may take a little bit longer than 10 years.....)