I didn't think that I Heart Huckabees and Stranger Than Fiction were really that similar either, except in the, forgive me for a BS literary term, metafictional aspects of each. You have a character in a story able to consult an expert about the story he or she is experiencing or writing.
But I wondered how people in love with Little Miss Sunshine could find it better than STF, which apparently the awards givers did.
Will Farrell got a Golden Globe nomination, but I think that's all the recognition that it got by anyone I'd ever heard of.
My husband and I wondered if the darker ending that DH's character would have preferred would have made it appeal to critics more. It would have been weightier and introduce themes about the values used for artistic evaluation versus morality, etc.
I loved it just as it was. For lack of better words, "depth," hope, and happiness seem much harder to pull off than depth and despair.
Last edited by UGAalum94; 04-15-2007 at 05:41 PM.