That is my point exactly!
I was not speaking of Brothers who are just a little late or try to set up a payment schedual!
I am refering to the Dead Beat Brothers who get so deep in debt that they never get out and dont care about Their Brothers or The Zeta!
It still puts a hardship on the Zeta when Bills are to be paid to IHQ, Insurance, Utility Bills, Party Functions, Recruitment Functions, etc.
If you do not beleive that say 500 Brothers withold $5.00 that is a lot of money! Or even $1.00!
Beleive it or not, a Fraternity is and needs to be run like a Business. That is what it really is, a small business, and All of the Brothers are Stock Holders in each and ever Chapter. That is why there are Officers in place to keep the business smoothly running!