Florida Alpha Active Passes Into Chapter Eternal
I received this on Friday:
It regrets me to inform everyone of a tragic event that occured early
this morning, April 1st. One of our current brothers, Shane Donner was
attempting to walk home last night and was struck by a car and killed.
Shane was a model brother of our beloved fraternity and an even better
friend. This is a sad, tragic event that has occured and the chapter
has been deeply affected by this loss. If there are any questions feel
free to either contact myself (239)***-**** or Bo Blackerby (850)***-
****. Please keep Shane and his family in your prayers.
Sean Farrell...505
Corresponding Secretary
Shawn Collinsworth, our Executive Director, wrote me, "I just returned from the chapter and dealing with the situation. They are planning a ceremony tonight to honor Shane. The guys are pretty tore up, and are dealing with the loss."
Last edited by PhiPsiRuss; 04-07-2005 at 12:16 AM.