Having been on my chapter's bid committee, I advise you to take and use the three recommendations that are being made available to you. Anything that makes a potential new member stand out from the crowd (in a positive way, of course!) is always a good thing.
One thing I would like to mention, however, is your boyfriend's sister's assertion that you will "get in, no problem". The bids are decided upon by the bid committee. It is a group decision so no one person can ever guarantee a bid to someone. I've seen girls who were promised bids suicide that house (i.e. put only that house on the pref card)only to find that they had been cut and therefore had no bid at all waiting for them. I'm not saying that would happen to you! Just be wary of promises like that.
I think it's great that you're going into rush with an open mind, I'm sure it will be a great experience for you! Good luck and remember to follow your heart and instincts; they will always lead you home.
"...For it's just the flame of a sister's love, that makes the world go round."
[This message has been edited by KillarneyRose (edited August 09, 2001).]