Sigma Nu closed when I was a freshman at Iowa State 10 years ago, so I don't remember much about them. While the University is favorable towards the Greek Community, Phi Kappa Psi, Delta Chi and Delta Lambda Phi all colonized there within the last two years.
Also, unless a chapter closes and Sigma Nu takes over their house, I don't know where they would live -- I believe they sold their house to Alpha Sigma Phi 7-8 years ago. With the exception of DLP, all the fraternities at Iowa State are housed. While a chapter could survive without a chapter facility, it certainly helps -- all the current fraternity houses are within walking distance to campus.
It's gonna be a hootenanny.
Or maybe a jamboree.
Or possibly even a shindig or lollapalooza.
Perhaps it'll be a hootshinpaloozaree. I don't know.