Originally Posted by BettieBB
I was elected Programs Vp for Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Zeta chapter, and I have to start booking rooms for educational programs immediately! Our binder only has a few options which have been done in the past year: Domestic violence, condomology, eating disorders, and alcohol awareness. The binder has not been updated in a while so we have no new ideas or options and for some reason I'm having a major block for ideas, if someone could help that would big fabulous!!!
Alpha Xi Delta
Condomology? There's actually a word? Do you mean Safe Sex 101?
Consult with your University health office to see if they have any ideas on topics. They may have staff who might be able to come in and do health and wellness presentations on various topics.
Money management's always been a favorite of my chapter. Also, ETIQUETTE. I've found that the etiquette presentations are the most beneficial when you're approaching an event with your alumnae (Initiation and post-Initiation celebrations, especially) and also right before Formal.