Convention 2011 "blog"
So I figured I'd start a thread where the convention attendees could kind of blog about convention and whatnot.
Wednesday 11:08pm MST
So I am officially exhausted and I didn't even travel today. I don't know how my poor president is doing it.
I didn't get to the hotel until about 3 and got all checked in. My roommate is the chapter adviser for Austin P. She is really nice!
I went to pick up my registration stuff (nametag, bag, shirt, etc...) and the first thing I notice is my nametag is wrong. LOL. My name was spelled right, they had my correct chapter of initiation, but I was listed as "Recruitment Vice President" and "Director of Standards and Ethics". Well I'm not in college anymore and even if I was I think I would have to be GOD to be able to hold down both of those Eboard positions. So I went back up and I was like "um, name and chapter are right but I'm actually the recruitment and standards adviser". Okay no problem they will fix it. When I finally get it I am now listed as the chapter adviser. I just gave up. As long as I'm not shown as a collegian anymore it's all good. LOL.
Opening banquet was nice. The food was good, a little cold but good. I'm still starving. The desert was okay it was a peanut butter tart with chocolate sauce.
The speaker was really good and funny. He is greek so he talked about greek life. He compared ritual to weddings in the respect that in the end, no matter how the ceremonies, in the end the couple is married.
Off to bed.
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the capacity to act despite our fears" John McCain
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt